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When I was done, she stared at me for a solid minute. "Holy shiiiit."

"Yes, indeed. So you see, that's why I've got to get out of town for a little bit, and that's why it's probably safer that you not tell Andrew or anyone else."

She waved a hand. "Oh, of course, I'm not telling Andrew. He couldn't handle this if he knew. Also, you need help."

"I don't want you to help me. It'll get dangerous for you."

"Whatever. You know I'm not going to listen. You can't do this on your own, so I'm going to help you whether you like it or not."

"Gems, I don't want you involved."

"Tough. If you're involved, I'm involved. Now, lucky for you, if you want access to Jasper Saint, I have a cousin who works for a cleaning crew who contract with the All Saints offices on the South Bank, so you have an in."

I stared at her. "Gems, why are you doing this?"

She cocked her head and blinked wide blue eyes at me owlishly. "Because I'm your friend. Because you need help. Because I love you. Letting people help you isn't a death sentence, I promise. I know you think it's messy. I know youthink emotions are a problem, but they aren’t always. So for once in your relationship with me, let me help you. Besides, how else are you planning to get this done?"



We had bloody done it.Fucking A.

After everything, we'd gotten him. Connor Lohman was a slippery cunt.

Thanks to the right funding, a decently sharp mind, a little luck, and a lot of cunning, Connor Lohman had become Connor Phelps. He was no more just a thug working for Antonio Igno. He had put on a bit of polish. He’d learned to insulate himself. Made it hard to get close. The auction had been our one shot. And even then, we'd been told to handle it with kid gloves because of Phelps’s reputation as a philanthropist.

Oh, is that what you call trussing him up like a Christmas goose and shoving him in the back of a truck?

Honestly, we’d barely touched him.

Okay, I’d touched him a little. And maybe, just maybe, King had to talk me down from touching him too much. Repeatedly.

Our intel said Connor had been the bagman who paid the bomber that had killed my fiancée, Elise, three years ago.

We had been planning our wedding. Young, in love, and thinking the whole world was our bloody fucking oyster.

My family actually loved her. The Cochrans were old friends. Asking her to marry me was the one thing I had done to make myfather happy. She'd been supportive when I said I wanted to do something different and wanted to go into the Queen’s service. She said she’d wait for me, and our wedding would be after my tour.

But that never happened.

Because she betrayed you…with your father.

I tried to shove the thought aside. I had nowhere to put that anger, the hurt the pain. We’d cared about each other once and she’d died without me by her side. All alone, thanks to a fucking car bomb.

I'd come home straight away, but there had been nothing to bury. All I had was an urn full of ashes and memories of me not being there for her when she needed me the most.

I might not be able to do anything with the sick cocktail of betrayal roiling in my gut, but I could channel that pain and put the wankers responsible for her death in the ground.

Easy does it. No way in hell will Gabe let you kill him.

Gabriel Webb was director of operations of the Rogues Division. And for all intents and purposes, my boss. He’d been the one to recruit me, to tell me about this shadow world we were all living in. He trained me and promised me vengeance.

And by vengeance you mean prison, right?

Yeah, sure. That’s what I meant.

My only concern was doing right by Elise. Knowing that she had died all alone without me there, even years later it still dug deep into my soul.
