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"Gems, we can't just take off."

"Who says?"

"I don't know. Me. I say it. We have classes, and Saint’s hired me to work, and you have your own things."

"I have things, yes. But I am also your bestie, so I'm coming. And chillax. I know we have classes. But it's Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday, so we could be on a plane tomorrow night. And since you're not a prisoner, you don't actually have to tell your very beautiful, very sexy fiancé that you're leaving the country. We'd just say nothing and go. Don’t you know the rules of a relationship? Sin now and ask for forgiveness later."

I had to laugh, because this, one hundred percent, sounded like something only a best friend would say. "You are going to get me into so much trouble."

"Only if you get caught. But chances are, you won't get caught. We'll go in, have lunch in Croatia, and come back home in no time. And if you are feeling extra guilty when you are at my house, you can leave a note there, because if he goes looking for you there, then it wasn’t an actual lie."

I shook my head. "How have I not noticed how diabolical you are?"

"Because you weren't looking at what was in front of you the whole time, my darling. Now, what the hell does one wear to Croatia?"

"I have to tell him something. I can't just vanish."

She rolled her eyes. "The real question is, does it matter?"

"No, love, the real question is, what's he going to do when he finds out I'm gone?"

Gemma winked. “Well, that spot on the wall says your punishment could be something really fun.”



There wasnothing I loved more than Saturday morning meetings. Didn’t everyone love waking up and sitting in a conference room instead of being comfy at home?

As Mitch Foxton, our CTO, ran through the latest apps, where they were in the marketplace, and what their earnings were, all I kept thinking about was Kaya. These were important numbers, things I should pay attention to, things I should care about for our business. Yet my mind kept going back to the bomb I’d dropped on Kaya about wanting to amend our contract. And then I'd resolutely ignored her.

I was being a prat. I knew it.

Shit or get off the pot, mate.

Kaya left to stay at Gemma’s last night and Ryan and Jason were following along but staying out of sight. She needed some kind of normalcy after this week. I’d been an absolute wanker thinking that ignoring her was the best course of action.

Things had been busy. As my Rogues team prepped Lohman for transport, I had tried and failed again to get more answers out of him.

So much for keeping promises. This was turning into a disaster.

I had to surreptitiously crack my neck and not pay attention to that voice, the one that told me I hadn't done enough. It was just simply easier to stop looking, stop caring. Elise was still dead. Lohman still knew something about it, and I was taking the easy way out. This entire narrative I created in my head wasn't helpful.

Across the table, my brother cocked his head. When I frowned at him, he mouthed, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Was something wrong with me? Fuck, I didn't know.

At that moment I realized that the whole table was staring at me.


I’d missed the entire discussion, let alone that someone had asked me a question.

"I'm sorry, Mitch. Repeat it, please?"

He repeated his question, and I gave him the answer easily enough to hear, but it was clear to everyone that I wasn't paying attention. Adrianna slid her glance to Mitch then to me. "I think maybe we've gone far enough today. Let's reconvene on Monday early." She was saving me a Sunday. I could kiss her."There's still a lot to do, but let's just let it rest for a few days."

When the meeting broke up, Trevor pushed back from the table and rolled over to my side. "Daydreaming, big brother? Spill everything. Are you having fun playing penthouse fun times with your fiancée?”
