Page 11 of Trust Me

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My eyes shift to him standing over the sink, his white tank top has ridden up and is slightly wet becoming see-through. My eyes brighten as his toned muscles begin to show through.

“Yeah, totally gorgeous.”

We both laugh loudly, gaining his attention. “I hope you’re not talking about me, ladies.” Chris glances at us.

“Nah, you’re not worth talking about,” Sarah goads cheekily.

Chris balks at her answer, skims some bubbles from the sink, then throws them at her. Of course, he’s too far away for them to reach her, but the message is clear, causing us to start laughing again.

After a couple of glasses of Pink Moscato, Sarah and I sit on the brown suede loveseat and switch the television to MTV. My Chemical Romance’s “Welcome to the Black Parade” plays.

“I love this song,” Chris yells out.

Sarah turns up the volume so he can hear it in the kitchen. By now, both of us are more than a little intoxicated from the wine with dinner. This evening is turning out to be fun, and after the day I have had, it’s so fucking nice to unwind. Sarah’s always the entertainer, and now is one of those times, as she stands from the sofa and with the loud music playing, she begins to move her body to the melodic tunes of My Chemical Romance. I roll my eyes as she looks like a fool. She gestures for me to dance with her.

“No thanks, I’m never drunk enough for that,” I yell over the music.

Chris walks in with his slightly wet tank top showing off his perfect abs and pecs, and my jaw drops at the sight. What’s with today and smoking-hot men?

He’s grinning from ear to ear as he leans down to talk to me over the music. “Is she always like this?”

“Yup. Whenever there’s alcohol, there’s very bad dancing.” He laughs, then walks over and taps her on the shoulder. Sarah looks up, her eyes wide with embarrassment as she stops dancing. Chris grabs her around her waist, looking deep into her eyes. “Dance with me?” he asks as the song changes to something a little slower, “My Immortal” by Evanescence.

“Sure thing, baby.” She wraps her arms around his neck, and they slow dance together in the middle of the living room. “You’re all wet.” Sarah points to his stomach, and I shake my head at her innuendo.

Chris lets go, steps back, pulls his tank top off throwing it to the floor. “Better?”


Stepping in, he pulls her close again, and they continue to dance. It’s so great seeing Sarah happy, but I can’t help but feel like a third wheel, so I make my way slowly through the kitchen to my bedroom and collapse onto my comfy bed. Even though it’s my personal choice to stay single, it doesn’t mean I don’t miss the close connection you feel when you love someone. So, I pick up my phone from my pillow and dial my mom.

“Hello?” After a few seconds, I hear the muffles of her trying to pick up the phone, then a bang. “Oh, crap,” Mom grumbles.

“Mom, Mom… are you okay?”

I hear more muffled sounds. “Goddammit. Stupid phone.”

I relax and start to laugh as I realize she’s dropped the phone. The thing about my mom, let’s just say, I get my clumsiness from her. Finally, she picks up the phone. “Are you there, honey?”

I laugh. “Yes, Mom, I’m here.”

“What’s that racket? Are you at a party? I hope you’re being safe. You know what I mean by safe, don’t you, Jenifer?”

“No, Mom, not at a party. Sarah’s in the living room dancing with Chris. And, yes, I know what you mean about being safe.”

She’s so overprotective.

“Chris, who’s Chris? Is he her new beau? Or fling? Or whatever you girls call it these days.”

“Mom! I have no idea, they only met yesterday. It’s hard to say.”

“Guess you’ll know in a couple of days or so.”

Mom knows Sarah all too well. “I don’t know, she seems different with this one. He’s… unique.”

“I do hope she settles down soon, the dear child.” I smile at my mother’s sincerity. I love her and all of her motherly ways. “You didn’t answer me. Are you being safe, Jenifer?”

I roll my eyes. “Mom, I’m not having sex with anyone. I haven’t since Jason. So, yes, I’m being safe by not having sex.” She exhales with relief, and I feel a twinge of regret about the fact that I’ve not been close with anyone for so long.
