Page 116 of Trust Me

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Trial day arrives, and I manage to get up in time for Mike to take Sarah and me to the courthouse. Sarah stayed over last night, and it was great to have some company. As we arrive at the courthouse, I see everyone waiting, including Niall, which is a surprise.

Brielle hugs me. “What are we going to do if they find him guilty?”

My breathing stops at the thought, and I look at her with saddened eyes. “I don’t know,” is all I can manage as she stares at me, and then Logan takes her hand, leading her away.

They open the courtroom doors, and we file in sitting behind the defendant’s table. There are other people in the courtroom—a court reporter, police officers, the clerk, the bailiff, the prosecuting attorney, Mr. Monroe, and the jury.

A side door opens, and Aiden enters dressed in his blue suit and tie. His hair is nicely combed and his face is freshly shaven. My breath catches as I see him. Somehow through all of this, I’ve forgotten how breathtaking he is. He looks over to us and manages a smile as he sits. I’m practically sitting behind him in the first row of benches.

The bailiff starts, “All rise.”

Once everyone stands, the judge, a tall man with a white beard and glasses wearing the customary black robe, enters the courtroom and takes his seat.

The bailiff continues, “Court is now in session, Judge Nick Horner presiding. Please be seated.”

As we all sit, my heart feels like it’s pounding out of my chest as I squeeze Sarah’s hand hard.

Judge Horner begins, “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Calling the case of the People of the State of California versus Aiden O’Connell. Are both sides ready?”

Both the district attorney, Mr. Monroe, and the jury all seem to have done whatever’s necessary, then the clerk carries out the judge’s instructions.

The judge is now ready for the opening statements, but I’m not sure if I am.

Everything is so damn formal as they drone on and on, leaving me feeling out of place.

I shouldn’t be here.

Aiden shouldn’t be here.

This is all kinds of wrong.

The day progresses as various witnesses are called, including the lead detective.

Aiden turns to look at me at one stage, so I mouth ‘I love you.’

He’s having trouble dealing right now as he turns back to face the judge. My stomach rips into shreds as he spins away from me. I feel lost, hopeless, and helpless as though I’m drowning, and Aiden is reaching for me under the water, but I’m too far away for him to find me.

More witnesses are called, but I don’t know any of them.

The days continue on, blending into each other as more expert testimonies and evidence is presented until finally the last witness is called—Matthew-fucking-Jones.

I can’t help but glare at him as I see Rachelle walk in and sit at the back of the courtroom. I want to scream at them both, but I know I can’t.

They continue to go back and forth with what I believe to be flimsy evidence until the prosecutor asks, “In your time at O’Connell Finance, has the defendant given you any reason to suspect his guilt of the crime in question?”

Matthew rubs the back of his neck, his eyes moving back to the Prosecutor. “Yes.”

Everyone gasps, including me. Fuck! I want to scream out ‘liar,’ but somehow, I contain myself as Matthew speaks about a transfer receipt and a ‘with compliments’ slip he ‘found’ in Aiden’s office, thanking Aiden for his business with the bank.

The members of the jury move in their seats as Matthew recounts the evidence while I bite my bottom lip so hard I can taste the metallic tang of blood. The tension in the room is building to a critical level. I can’t see how any of this can be true. I don’t know how Aiden, my Aiden, could have done any of this!

But the evidence is pointing clearly and directly at him.

Niall storms from the courtroom a little too damn obviously—the idiot!

The jury looks up as the door slams behind the asshole. If Niall is outraged by these accusations, it doesn’t look good or work in Aiden’s favor. Niall just landed a big hit to Aiden’s case simply by walking out, and I bet the asshole doesn’t even know it.

My anxiety skyrockets through the roof as more questions are asked of Matthew. Of course, he lies about how he thinks Aiden and Niall’s hostile relationship is the reason behind the embezzlement. With Niall storming out, he all but confirmed his speculations.
