Page 115 of Trust Me

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“It’s just… he’s taking so long.”

Aiden shakes his head. “Don’t give up. I haven’t. The only thing keeping me going is knowing you’re supporting me, and that Jenson will find something on them. He’s good, Jeni. If there’s something there, he’ll find it.” He tightens his grip on my hands. I shake my head in frustration at the situation. “Jeni, please don’t give up on me,” he begs.

My eyes shoot open in shock. “I’ll never, ever, give up on you. I’ll wait for you. Always,” I admit honestly. “I’m sorry I haven’t been to see you. I know now that was selfish of me.”

He winces again. “You have to promise me you’ll take better care of yourself.”

“Aiden, I’m doing the best I can.” I don’t want to make a promise I know I can’t keep.

“I’ll have Mike look after you if you won’t look after yourself,” he threatens.

“No, I’m okay. I don’t want to burden Mike.”

“What about Marissa, our maid? What if I ask her to look after you?” He’s grasping at straws. I shake my head. “You obviously can’t look after yourself, so you need someone to help you, to make sure you eat and take care of you while I’m… in here,” he states firmly.

I huff in annoyance. “Fine! I’ll ask Sarah. Although, I think I’m doing fine on my own.”

“Jeni, listen… you’ll always be beautiful to me, but at the moment, you look gaunt. I’m concerned about you. For your health and well-being. Please, look after yourself if not for you, then for me, so when I come home, you’ll be fit, strong, and healthy.”

“I miss you so much.” I manage a half-smile.

“I know, but I’ll be out soon. I promise.”

Mike walks back in and sits next to me. “Mike, please call Sarah and ask her to keep an eye on Jeni. Also, please ensure she seeks medical assistance for Jeni’s depression.”

I roll my eyes, I’m not depressed. I simply miss him.

“Yes, sir,” Mike replies.

An alarm sounds, and people start to say their goodbyes. Dammit! An overwhelming sense of panic floods my veins knowing Aiden’s about to be taken from me, again. Aiden moves around to me. I stand taking him in an embrace. I know it’s against the rules, but I lean up and kiss him. He kisses me back so strongly that I feel the electricity flowing between us as our tongues find each other. The world slips away, and I’m standing with my one true love, and nothing can tear us apart.

I need this right now.

I need him right now.

A security guard comes rushing over. “Okay, I already warned you once, break it up you two.” He pulls Aiden away from me, crashing me back to reality. I stumble as my grip on Aiden is severed, and I have to hold on to the top of the chair for support.

“I love you, Jeni,” Aiden yells as the security guard escorts him out of the room.

“I love you, too,” I call back with a small sob that somehow escapes my mouth.

And here I am again, without Aiden—this is the part I despise.

Mike takes my arm in his. “Time to go, Miss Taylor.”

As we slowly walk back to the car, I exhale loudly. I’m not sure if I feel better or worse for seeing Aiden, but I know one thing for sure—it was so fucking good to kiss him again.

When we arrive back at the apartment, Mike comes up to ensure I eat something. He insists I eat while he’s here as he takes out some pasta, heating it in the microwave. Mike makes me eat every last mouthful until I’m overfull.

I guess if Aiden wants me to take better care of myself, I will try, for him.

The next two weeks are filled with going to see Aiden and everyone checking in on me. The rest of my time is spent on the sofa cuddling into Aiden’s pillow as I silently wait for Jenson’s call that never comes.
