Page 18 of Trust Me

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When I arrive home from work the next day, loud music is blaring from the television again. “Sarah, the neighbors are going to complain about the noise,” I yell as I place my bag and keys on the buffet, taking out my cell phone. “Still nothing,” I mutter, looking at the screen.

There’s a perfectly good explanation for why Aiden hasn’t called me. He’s probably been in meetings all day or something, right? I walk into the living room looking for Sarah, heading straight for the television to turn it down, but she’s not in there or in the kitchen.


As I start lowering the volume on the television, Chris’ voice drones down the hall. “Fuck… Sarah.”

“Chris, Chris, aah… Chris.”

My eyes shoot open wide when I realize what the sounds are coming from Sarah’s room. With a smile, the volume goes back up on the television. To help distract myself from what’s happening at the other end of the house, I head toward the bathroom for a shower.

I honestly wish I was at that stage of a relationship between Aiden and me—I miss that intimacy.

Man, it really has been too long.

I finish my meal—alone—and wander into my room, then climb on my bed. Staring at the ceiling, I ponder whether or not to message Aiden. Chris’ advice keeps popping into my head—play it cool. Picking up my phone, I open Instagram and scroll through the feed, reading about my friends’ lives. Seeing their wedding pictures and photographs of their children, loneliness overwhelms me as I feel an ache in my chest. Throwing the phone down and turning over, my face buries in my pillow. Beep. It’s probably my mother. Not wanting to get my hopes up that it could be Aiden, I casually pick it up and turn over to see who the message is from.

Aiden: Hi, Jeni, hoping your day was a pleasant one.

Like a love-sick fool, my grin stretches from ear to ear as I let out a huge sigh of relief. It’s almost as if he knew I was dying to hear from him. Those butterflies make another pesky appearance as they flutter in my stomach.

Jenifer: Hey, my day was just average. How was yours?

I hold the phone to my chest. With my eyes closed, I imagine Aiden and what he might be wearing. Maybe he’s still in his business suit, or maybe he’s lying on his bed wearing only his boxers. Mmm… let’s go with the latter thought.

Aiden: My day was a mass of boring meetings and lunch at the Intercontinental. It was an average day for me too. Are you looking forward to Friday’s surprise? ;-)

My curiosity sparks, and I hit Reply excitedly.

Jenifer: It depends on what the surprise is. Tell me, and I’ll let you know if I’m looking forward to it or not.

Changing the subject, I send another message immediately after.

Jenifer: You know what I do for a job, but what do you do?

I figure it’s time to find out some juicy details.

Aiden: Well, well, Miss Taylor, you’re asking all the questions tonight... lol. I work in the family business with my father and sister. We’re in finance.

“Hmm… finance, huh? Fair enough,” I say matter-of-factly. I know nothing about finance except that my bank account isn’t as large as it used to be after I bought my new car. Super intelligent, smart, and gorgeous. You don’t find that very often.

Jenifer: Finance, sounds challenging. I’m not good with numbers. Family business sounds like a small company. Do you have many people working there?

Aiden: It’s a large firm actually. Father has about 200 people working for him. I basically deal with managing financial assets. No, it’s not that challenging. I’m good with numbers, and you’re not good with them, guess that evens us out.

A loud sigh leaves me, discouraged and feeling a little inadequate. Reply.

Jenifer: Guess so. Wow, that does sound like a big firm. Anyway, I have to go cook dinner. See you Friday.

I feel bad for lying to him, but I’m frustrated at myself for believing I’m not worthy of him. I never want to feel beneath a man again. I’m worth more than that. Maybe he’s leading me on, out of guilt. Guilt because he crashed into my car and he’s trying to make up for that. I started to let myself believe that maybe I could trust him. Why? I’ve only known him for a minute.

Why do I do this to myself?

Jason really fucked with my head. God, I hate him for making me this way.

Beep. I hesitate to look at the message.

Aiden: Okay, have a nice dinner. I’ll see you Friday :-)

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