Page 25 of Trust Me

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As I sit staring out the window, the streets of Mornington Vale pass us by. The city lights flicker in all their brilliance not giving me any clues at all as to my destination’s location. “Hey Mike, where are we going?”

Mike peers into the rearview mirror. “Mr. O’Connell said to tell you it’s a surprise, Miss Taylor,” he politely replies.

I crease my brows. “I thought the Cadillac was my surprise?”

“Just one of the many, Miss Taylor.”

I sit back, confused. “Just one of them? How many has he got planned?”

“Of that, I’m unsure, Miss Taylor.”

I grin, leaning forward, resting my arms on the front seats as I peek through the middle. “Hey, Mike?”

“Yes, Miss Taylor?”

“Please, call me Jeni.”

He turns to face me seeing as I am practically right next to him. “Yes, ma’am.”

I think he’s spent most of his life addressing people formally, but I don’t want him speaking to me that way. As far as I’m concerned, there’s no need for Miss Taylor or ma’am. I’m just Jeni. I smile at him, then lean back into the seat of the gorgeous classic car.

We pull into Mornington Vale’s botanical park, where giant sequoias and redwoods line the entry growing taller than I can possibly imagine. Lush shrubs and foliage make the surrounding edges of the park seem so much greener than anything I’ve ever seen before. Tiny blue flowers are scattered all across the ground giving the entire area a fairy wonderland feel as Mike drives up the long, winding road, where visitors are watching and pointing at the car as we drive past.

Finally, we come to a stop. I sit up and take in the view in front of me. It’s just as lush and beautiful as the entry. A cobblestone path with greenery appears in the distance, but I can’t see Aiden anywhere. Mike slides out of the car and opens the door for me like a gentleman. “Miss… I mean Jeni… Mr. O’Connell is waiting for you at the end of the path.”

I take his hand and step out of the car onto the cobblestones. “Thank you. Do I look okay?”

“Very lovely, Miss… Jeni.”

“Thanks, Mike.” I take in a deep breath, my skin tingling as I start down the path. I turn back and look at Mike in confusion. “Aren’t you coming?”

He smiles, shaking his head. “No… it’s a party for two, Miss Taylor. Sorry, Jeni,” he corrects himself.

I take a step back toward Mike and hug him. He’s tense, but eventually succumbs to the embrace, patting me on the back softly.

“Have a good night, Mike.”

“You, too, Jeni.” He tips his hat.

With a deep breath, I steel my shoulders and start my trek. Sarah’s shoes make it difficult to walk, but I somehow manage. As I step along the path, I reach out to touch the ferns on the side, catching glimpses of sunshine glimmering through the lush treetops. The smell of greenery is all-encompassing, and in the distance somewhere, the sound of water trickles into a stream.

The path takes a turn ahead, and I wonder what will be around the corner. I slowly walk, taking in the perfume of the flowers and soaking up the fading sun. For just one moment, I forget my nerves and why I’m here embracing the serenity and outstanding beauty that surrounds me.

Still in a daze, I turn the corner, looking at the splendor around me.

Then I see Aiden.

He’s standing on a deck set over a pond, and he’s gazing at a striking waterfall in the distance. On the deck, there’s a table set for two with a small vase of flowers sitting in the center. Two single candles are on either side, flickering in the mild breeze. I inhale at the sight as butterflies flutter around my stomach with a vengeance.

I don’t want to disturb him. He seems far away in his thoughts, so I try to make my way to the table silently, but my heel somehow gets caught between two stones. My stomach swirls as I try to pull it out, and the commotion causes Aiden to turn around. His eyes meet mine, a beaming smile crosses his face, which instantly makes me melt. He’s looking completely handsome in his suit, and it knocks my breath from me. So I try to act cool, and slowly pull my shoe out of the stones, using a little force. My shoe comes free quickly which makes me stumble and fall straight onto my hands and knees on the deck. My clutch drops from my hand, opens, and the contents scatter spreading out like nobody’s business.

“Oh God,” I mutter under my breath. My heart hammers in my chest. I’m mortified as well as in a little pain. I don’t want to look up at Aiden. I’m undeniably embarrassed. But, the next thing I know, Aiden’s on bended knee, gathering me up in his arms, helping me up. “Fuck, Jeni, are you okay?”

I stand with him and find the courage to look at him. “I’m falling for you already.” I try to make a joke about my ineptitude.

Aiden’s face lights up, his lips parting and showing me his perfect teeth. It’s like the sun beams down and heaven itself is shining right in front of me, he’s that fucking magnificent. Swallowing a large lump down my throat, I dust myself off. “How embarrassing,” I mutter.

“Don’t be… here, let me help you,” he offers, gesturing to my clutch and its contents. I bend, picking it up along with the lip gloss while he reaches for my phone. He suddenly clears his throat as he collects a line of condoms from the deck.
