Page 26 of Trust Me

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Heat washes over me again in waves, rolling intensely over every inch of my body as my cheeks flush red hot. A smirk crosses his lips, and I begin to panic, my heart racing so fast it might actually give out.

“I didn’t put those in my bag. It must have been my best friend, Sarah. She thinks shit like this is funny when I go on dates...” I quickly shift my line of thought. “Not that I go on dates all the time or anything… I mean, not that I don’t go on dates. I date! Just… not often. And I definitely won’t be using those tonight. I mean this is our first date. What do you think I am? I’m not that kind of—”

“It’s fine, Jeni,” Aiden interjects with a giant smile on his face.

I suck in a deep breath, taking the phone and condoms from his fingers, and quickly push them in my clutch while making a mental note—Kill Sarah when you get home.

Aiden chuckles, placing his palm on my lower back. The feeling of his hand on me sends a spark all the way over my body as he leads me over to the railing at the edge of the deck—my entire body trembles in nerves. I haven’t done this in so long, and it’s already an utter disaster. I lean on the railing and look out to the magnificent waterfall cascading in the distance and focus my attention on it. “It’s so beautiful,” I mumble as he moves in gently, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, the movement catching me off guard completely.

I’m so out of practice!

“Sure is.” He’s staring straight at me, making my thighs clench together in need at the intensity with which he’s watching me. My eyes shift from his to the pond, and I smile. “Shall we have a seat?” he asks.

I bob my head and turn around. Aiden ushers me over to the table, pulling out my chair, then pushes it back in when I sit. When he takes a seat, my butterflies start wreaking havoc again as I take a sip of my sparkling water. That helps.

“So, what’s for dinner?” I query.

“Whatever you want, the chef will cook for us.”

I look at him, surprised. “But isn’t there a set menu or something?”

“Not tonight. Tonight, it’s whatever you feel like. Pasta, steak, perhaps seafood?”

I look at him, wide-eyed. “Wow! You really do feel guilty,” I mutter under my breath. I look down at my hands in my lap.

He peers at me, scratching his temple. “Guilty?”

“For crashing into me,” I admit shyly.

“Is that what you think? That I feel guilty?” he asks furrowing his brows.

I reply with a shrug, “Maybe?”

He cranes his neck. “I don’t feel guilty for crashing into you. In fact, I think it might be one of the best things I’ve ever done.”

My mouth drops with the shock. “Crashing into someone is the best thing you’ve ever done?”

“No, crashing into you is the best thing I’ve ever done.”

“Huh? How can crashing into me be the best thing? I mean, what if I was hurt or something?”

He rubs the back of his neck. “Crashing into you is the best thing I’ve ever done because I got to meet you. But I’m grateful you weren’t hurt,” he quickly adds.

I sit back in my chair, contemplating what he’s said. “But you don’t even know me?”

“True, but I’d like to get to know you... if you’ll let me.” His smile is small, but it’s definitely there. I can’t help but smile back. He sighs and sits back in his chair, relaxing.

“Tell me more about your job,” I ask.

He hesitates, and I begin to think that talking about his business makes him uncomfortable. “I work with my father and sister, as you know… basically there’s not much else to say. I assist people with their investments and help strategize ideas for them to make more money in their businesses or portfolios.” I nod, pretending to know how all that works. “Do you like your job?” he asks.

“Yeah, love it! My bosses are great. They’re like my surrogate family.”

“Surrogate family? You don’t have a family?” He raises an eyebrow.

“I do. But it’s really just Mom and me.”

“You’re an only child?”

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