Page 40 of Trust Me

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Inhaling a deep breath while trying to find the courage I need, I steady my shoulders. “Okay, sure. What should I wear?”

“Don’t worry about a dress. I’ll have Mike pick up something suitable for you.”

Sarah’s still jumping on the bed, making me bounce around. She puts her thumbs up at me with excitement as curiosity washes over me. “But how will he know my size?”

“Don’t worry it will fit perfectly.”

Of course, it will. “Where should I meet you? What time?”

“I’ll have Mike pick you up and bring you to my apartment. You can get ready here… if you like.” The last part of that sentence he says tentatively, then continues, “The dinner starts at seven thirty. I’ll get Mike to pick you up at, say… five thirty. Is that suitable?”

Sarah collapses on the bed with a gigantic smile on her face. I look back at her with my eyes wide as my heart races frantically in my chest. “Yeah, sure. Five thirty sounds great. Thanks for inviting me.”

He chuckles down the line, the sound like freaking heaven to my ears. “No, thank you. I look forward to seeing you again.”

“See you soon,” I reply shyly as I bite my bottom lip and inhale sharply.

“Bye, Jeni.”

As I end the call, Sarah pulls me, so I’m lying on the bed with her, breathing in and out to try and calm my nerves.

“Oh my God, he sounds utterly gorgeous.”

“He is gorgeous.”

“We better do something with your hair then.”

I laugh as we both sit up, and then it hits me, making me break out in a cold sweat. “Oh my God, Sarah. This is a work function. He works in the family business… holy shit, I’m going to meet his family.”

Sarah sits in shock, blinks a couple of times, but then she tries to hide it. “He must really like you. You thought me meeting Chris’ parents next weekend was too soon—” She stops and turns to face me, grabbing my hand. “Hey! Don’t freak out. I see it in your eyes. You’re starting to panic. Don’t! Take each day as it comes with no expectations, and you’ll be fine.” She stands, grabs my hands, and pulls me off the bed. “Now, let’s do your hair.”

“We have three hours. I don’t think we need to start right now.”

She looks me up and down. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I wonder what type of dress they’ll pick for you.”

I shrug. “I don’t know. But seeing Aiden’s choice in clothing, I bet it will be something gorgeous.” We both laugh, then head to the dining area and sit down at the table with Chris.

“I gather that was him? All that giggling gave the two of you away.”

Sarah can’t help herself. “Yeah, she’s going on another date tonight and meeting the family.”

Chris looks over at me as though he doesn’t believe her story.

“Yeah, all true.” I shrug.

“Looks like you’ve made quite the impression on this guy.”

I smile, biting my bottom lip. “He’s made quite an impression on me as well.”

He tilts his head. “Fair enough,” he says it matter-of-factly and continues to tinker with his phone.

I laugh at his apparent lack of interest as Sarah can’t help herself and starts to fiddle with my hair.

A couple of hours later, Sarah wanders to her room to grab her makeup and hair supplies. While she’s gone, I pick up my cell and send Aiden a message.

Jenifer: Hi, Aiden, just wondering if I should bring shoes? I’m looking forward to this :-)

I begin to get changed, putting on a skin-toned strapless bra and some matching underwear—not the prettiest or sexiest lingerie but probably best when you don’t know what dress you’ll be wearing. As I’m getting dressed, Sarah comes in, and she looks at me in awe.
