Page 43 of Trust Me

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We reach the top floor, and as the elevator doors open, I observe an expansive all-white living room—white carpet, white chairs, white sofas, white end tables—it’s almost sterile-looking. Mike leads me into the room, and I try not to touch anything because it all looks so expensive.

A middle-aged lady wearing gray pants and a white shirt walks around the corner, then jumps when she notices us, her hand shooting to her chest. “Gosh, Mike, you scared me.”

“Sorry, Marissa. Leaving for the day?” he asks as her big-lashed eyes search me up and down but in a friendly way.

“Yes, sir.” She walks up to me, dipping her head. “Nice to meet you, I’m Marissa, Mr. O’Connell’s maid, but you’ll hardly even know when I’m here.”

I raise my brow. “Nice to meet you.”

“I better be off for today. Have a good night, Mike… Miss Taylor.” She turns and rushes for the elevator as I spin around to Mike, surprised she even knows my name.

“So, Aiden has a lot of staff, then?” I query.

Mike rolls his shoulders, uneasy with my question. “He has the staff he needs… Mr. O’Connell will be with you shortly.”

I smirk. “Should I sit here?” I point to the suede sofa behind me.

“If you wish, Miss Taylor. Mr. O’Connell would want you to make yourself at home, anywhere you wish.”

I’m a little overwhelmed as I take in the grandeur of this place. “Thanks, Mike,” I murmur as he steps back inside the elevator. The doors close, and I’m suddenly alone in this oversized, pristine room as I take it in that Aiden has a maid and chauffeur service. Holy cow!

I run my hand along the suede sofa, then walk over to the shelves separating the living room from the dining area and kitchen. I peek at the photographs in the picture frames. There’s one of Aiden in snow gear surrounded by snow-capped mountains. Another one of two women who I assume are his mother and sister. One of him and another man who looks remarkably similar to him—maybe his brother—but I don’t see any photographs of his father. I crease my brows as I ponder why he wouldn’t have any of his father when the rest of his family is proudly displayed.

I place my handbag on the sofa and pick up the framed picture of him, his sister, and mother. Unexpectedly, Aiden clears his throat to gain my attention. I spin around to see him in black suit pants and an open white shirt, showing off his muscular chest, perfectly sculptured abs, and that glorious V-shape that us girls love. A lump instantly forms in my throat from the nervous energy I’m feeling, and it becomes hard to swallow.

He’s undeniably gorgeous, and the sight of him makes me bite my bottom lip as I clench my thighs together, trying to dull the ache that’s building inside me. Aiden’s doing up the button on his sleeve making him look ever the budding young business tycoon, and damn, it’s a look that suits him well. He’s so damn delicious. The muscles deep in my core awaken at the sight, stabbing and clenching, causing my breathing to hitch. The ache’s more than a little intense.

I want him like I’ve never wanted anyone before.

He smiles at me knowingly. “What do you have there?” he asks, gesturing toward the picture frame.

My daze is broken as I look down, then back up at him. “Shit, sorry. I was just looking. I didn’t mean anything by it. I—”

“Is it the one of my mother, sister, and me?” he interjects looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

“You love watching my awkwardness, don’t you?”

He strides over to me. “Yes, I do. As I’ve said, you’re very entertaining, Jeni.” He smirks.

I turn, placing it back onto the shelf, then he spins me around to face him. “Hi,” he whispers as he pulls me closer.

I look up at him through my long lashes. “Hi,” I whisper back.

He leans in, and our lips meet again as though they’ve never parted while a sense of urgency washes over me. My arms loop around his neck as his wrap around my waist. He pushes me against the shelf with such force that one of the picture frames falls off onto the plush carpet. Neither of us stop to check if it’s broken. We’re completely lost in each other’s steamy embrace.

He leans against me, so I’m completely pinned against the shelving. Our breathing becomes rapid and so intense that I start to feel lightheaded. My hand runs down his naked chest as I feel his every muscle clench beneath my fingertips. I slowly edge his shirt down over his shoulders as we feverishly remain locked in an endless kiss. The shirt catches at his wrists by the cufflinks and hangs lifelessly from the ends of his hands. My fingers tighten on his biceps as the muscles in my core react strongly.

His breath catches as his soft lips move from my mouth to my neck, and his hips thrust against mine, pressing his hard cock into me. I feel everything. My head falls back while I moan, desire sweeping over my entire being, making my body flush red-hot.

He works me up, and everything about Aiden screams lust to me. The connection we have is intense. The fireworks never fail to explode, and I have no idea how I got myself in this position with a man I hardly know, trying to control myself as best I can, but failing miserably every time I see him.

My clit throbs persistently as his lips trail along my collarbone.

I need him so bad, but I want him even more.

Fuck the dinner! I want to stay right here in this moment.

My hands grip onto him tightly while I rock my body into his, but his kisses on my skin start to soften as his breathing slows, and the dramatic tension eases. Aiden returns his lips to mine, this time, kissing me softly and slowly bringing the fervor down a notch. Aiden pulls his hips away from mine and takes a small step back so that our bodies aren’t touching anymore. I mourn the loss of contact immediately as he gives me one last quick kiss before pulling his shirt back up over his shoulders and taking a deep breath before exhaling.
