Page 45 of Trust Me

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“I’m not worried about that. I’m worried this might be too soon for you, though.” He’s watching my every move.

“I think there’s something here, Aiden. If I weren’t interested in meeting your family and friends, I wouldn’t have agreed… I’m okay with this, I promise.”

He manages a half-smile. “I know there’s something here as well. I rarely introduce my family to the women I date. This is a really big thing for me.”

I look at him, surprised, beginning to feel a little tense, so I try to lighten the mood. “Hang on… you said women you’re dating. How many of your women are coming tonight?” I giggle.

He shakes his head. “You know there’s only you.”

I bite my bottom lip at his reply as he kisses my cheek. I turn my head to kiss his lips gently feeling the tingle to my toes. When we part lips, I pull out my lip gloss from my bra and apply some more, then place the small tube back.

He looks at me and laughs. “Handy.”

“Sure is.”

He looks at his watch. “We better head out. You sure you’re ready for this?” Aiden asks, holding my hands in his as though he thinks I’m going to change my mind at any given second.

I take a deep breath and let it out slowly before answering, “I’m sure, Aiden.”

His whole body relaxes as he exhales in relief. We both stand, and he takes my arm in his. Aiden retrieves his suit jacket from the edge of the sofa, then we walk to the elevator. He glances down at me. “You look breathtakingly beautiful.”

Surely, I’m blushing yet again, but somehow, I coyly reply, “Thanks.”

On the elevator ride, nerves flutter in my stomach and tighten my grip on his arm. Spinning around, he looks at me, then kisses my forehead softly. When the doors open, he leads me out to the underground parking garage, and we make our way over to Mike, who’s standing in front of his car waiting.

“You look lovely, Miss Taylor.” The giant smile on his face tells me he isn’t lying.

“Now, now, Mike… she’s a little young for you, don’t you think?” Aiden chides jokingly.

I gently slap him on the chest. “Hey, don’t be rude.”

Aiden smirks as Mike opens the car door for us. I slide into the car awkwardly, trying not to crinkle my dress while Aiden, of course, glides gracefully into the seat next to me. He grabs my hand as I sit silently next to him.

“Should be a good night, sir,” Mike calls out from the front.

“Yes, hopefully.”

“Hopefully?” I question. That’s an odd answer.

Aiden runs his fingers through his hair. “Yeah, my father and I… well, we don’t always see eye to eye,” he tells me sullenly.

That explains why there are no pictures of his father in the living room.

“I see…”

“Mmm…” he replies, deep in thought, looking out the window. I notice Mike peering at Aiden through the rearview mirror, and I can tell by the look on his face he’s worried about him. Mike’s eyes shift to me, and when he sees me staring at him, he quickly looks away. I sense there’s bad blood between Aiden and his father, and it’s enough for Mike to be worried—which is unsettling. I tighten my fingers around Aiden’s hand and lean my head against his shoulder. He nuzzles into my hair, calming me instantly. If only we could stay like this for an eternity.

We spend the rest of the trip in silence with my head on Aiden’s shoulder, and his head nuzzled into mine. I’m so relaxed I almost fall asleep.

“We’re here,” Mike announces as he pulls the car into the valet parking area of the Intercontinental Hotel. There are a few people scattered around dressed elegantly, and next to them, I see a sign which reads:

O’Connell Finance, Inc.

Farewells Donald Parker

Ballroom One

I study the sign wondering its meaning. ‘Farewells’ as in he’s leaving or farewell as in he died? I glance at Aiden, and he senses my confusion.
