Page 73 of Trust Me

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I sink against him. “I’m fine. Just really tired,” I lie.

He looks at me, scratching his temple, trying to judge my mood. “You can talk to me.”

I manage a half-smile as I catch a glimpse of his bright blue smoldering eyes staring fiercely into mine. I look away quickly, so I’m not mesmerized by their brilliance and am snared in their trap once more.

“I know. I swear I’m just tired,” I lie again as he continues to watch me intently. My heart races so fast with the building anxiety.

“You would tell me if there’s something wrong, Jeni. Wouldn’t you?” he asks while softly caressing my cheek.

I smile, trying to hide my fears and doubts. “Of course.” I push him toward his car. “Now go, before I force you to change your mind about leaving me.” I should win an Oscar for my acting skills. I’m putting on a brave face while inside I’m secretly freaking the fuck out.

I feel too much for Aiden already.

And if I let myself fall for him, he could break me.

I can’t let that happen again.

My heart pounds, my head’s heavy, and I feel physically sick to my stomach.

He stops, turning to face me, his eyes stern as he looks right into me. “Jeni, I know something’s not right. If we’re going to be in this together, then you need to be honest with me.”

I steady my shoulders, looking in his eyes. “It’s far too soon to be feeling this way,” I admit out loud but not only to him but to me as well.

He looks at me as though I’m speaking a foreign language. “What way?”

I swallow the lump in my throat that feels like the size of a bolder. “I like you. I mean really like you. And I shouldn’t. I barely know you, Aiden. But you have some kind of magical hold over me making me feel things I’ve never felt before…” A slow grin crosses his face as I continue, “You make me feel wanted and cherished, and you put your trust in me...” I blink a few times trying to think of the words I want to use next. “I want to trust you, I really do. But how can I when I don’t even know you? I feel like I’m falling for you, and I don’t know how to deal with that so soon. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more, but I can’t seem to get it out of my head that you’re gonna up and leave me.” I exhale with relief that I managed to somehow get all that crap out in the open.

He takes my hands in his and gives me a crooked smile. “Ditto,” he gushes matter-of-factly lightening the mood.

I look up at him, my eyes wide. I can’t help it as I exhale a small laugh. “Did you just say ditto?”

He smirks. “Yes, ditto, Jeni. I’m falling for you, too. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted and more. I’m not going to leave you, or cheat on you, or hurt you… not intentionally, anyway. I’m going to love you the best way I know how.”

My mouth drops open as my heart explodes, repairs itself, and then explodes all over again as I stare into his beautiful blue, caring eyes. “Love?”

“That’s the only word you got from that, Jeni, love?” he asks with a chuckle while pulling me into his safe arms.

My breath catches. Is that what this feeling is? Love.

He frowns. “See, when a man tells you he loves you, you’re meant to say something in return.”

I shake my head as he stares at me intensely holding me at an arm’s length as he swallows hard.

I’ve come to a realization.

I know it’s too soon, but there are no laws against it. I’m sure other people have fallen for each other this quickly. It’s what they call insta-love, and who damn well cares what they call it, I know I’m feeling it right now. So… so what? So, what if it’s too soon for most people.

It’s groundbreaking.


World-shatteringly obvious.

I’m in love!

With an amazing, incredible man.

“I love you, Aiden,” I reply, staring straight into his beautiful, calm blue eyes. He leans in and kisses me tenderly, pulling me so that our bodies are aligned.
