Page 75 of Trust Me

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“Fuck,” he murmurs through our kisses. His hips meet with mine as he thrusts into me again and again, deeper and deeper with powerful and strong thrusts. Our kissing stops, but our lips still touch as we breathe unsteadily. With his hands on either side of my head, my fingers clutch at the blanket as he starts to kiss me again, forcefully and full of lust.

I feel it.

The heat overtakes me.

I arch my back.

“C’mon, baby,” he whispers.

My nails claw at his back as the feeling of pleasure totally engulfs me. I tense and quiver at the same time. A cold sweat breaks out, and my skin erupts in tiny goosebumps while I scrunch my eyes so tightly I begin to see stars. My body clenches and then releases in a wave of ecstasy as my climax overcomes me, and he moans with the pleasure.

“Aiden,” I whimper out his name as I unravel around him.

He doesn’t slow at all, but his face clenches in the most delicious way.

Then his breathing catches. “Fuck! Jeni… fuck!” He quickens his pace, his hips thrust harder and faster, and he exhales and moans out a heavy sound as he releases deep inside me.

“Fuuuck.” His voice is muffled, uncontrolled.

We fall, crashing back to earth with an almighty thud.

His weight is welcomed on top of me as I run my hands up his back, trying to get as close to him as possible.

After a few minutes, he gently rolls away from me. When he pulls out, I wince at the loss but roll over and cuddle into his chest.

This is my safe place.

This is home.

We lay silently, me resting on his chest, him stroking my arm, our legs entangled.

Knowing he loves me has made making love with him even more special. I feel so connected to him. I’m in a state of relaxation, and I don’t think anything could bring me down from this high.

“We should probably get some sleep,” he casually breaks the silence.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

Aiden reaches for the covers and pulls them over us. The feel of the soft cotton against my skin mixed with Aiden’s naked body next to mine is invigorating.

What a perfect way to end the evening as I get comfortable in Aiden’s arms.

He shuffles free of me slightly. “Sorry, baby, I have to set my alarm.”

“Or we could just take a sick day,” I suggest.

“Are you trying to tempt me again?”

I smirk. “Of course, not. I’d never do such a thing,” I tease.

Turning, he leans out of bed, retrieves his phone from his pants pocket, and sets his alarm. Then he slips under the covers, holding me in his strong arms.

I can’t believe I felt like it was too soon to feel like I’m falling for him. I may have only known Aiden for a short time, but with our instant connection, it feels like I’ve been with him forever. Like I truly know the man inside Aiden O’Connell.

I get him.

He gets me.

And if the connection we feel means we’ve fallen hard and fast, then so be it.

Is it conventional? Is it normal? No.

But when have I ever done what’s normal, anyway?
