Page 77 of Trust Me

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After a long day, I finish and hurry home so I can pack a bag for the weekend, including something to wear to Skye’s birthday party on Saturday night. I pull into the driveway, and Chris’ car is out front as usual. Walking through the door, I step into the kitchen and bump into Chris, completely naked, with his head down and bum up looking in the refrigerator.

My eyes bulge and eyebrows raise, then I clear my throat while looking anywhere but at him. He freezes, his eyes widening as they focus straight on me, shooting his hands down to cover himself.

“Hi, Chris,” I chirp as I continue walking to my bedroom like nothing just happened.

“Sorry, Jeni, lost track of time,” he yells as I enter my room.

“Don’t worry. Didn’t see anything,” I lie, yelling back at him.

“Oh, thank fuck,” I hear him mumble to himself.

Kicking off my shoes, I wander to my closet and take out my overnight bag. I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with Aiden. Walking out with my bag over my shoulder to the dining room, I see Sarah is sitting on a fully-clothed Chris’ lap.

“Been checking out my man’s junk, huh?”

Chris turns bright red right before my eyes.

I smirk with a nod. “Yeah, couldn’t help myself. He was parading it right in front of me, and who am I to look away,” I reply jokingly.

“Okay, okay, let’s change the subject. Where are you going?” Chris interjects.

I giggle at his unease. “I’m staying at Aiden’s over the weekend. You guys will have the house to yourselves.”

“Hmm… could be handy.” Chris leans in, kissing Sarah on the cheek, making her smile.

“Just don’t go sitting your naked butt on our sofa,” I demand sternly, focusing in on Chris and making them both laugh.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. I’m gonna be a butt of all jokes now, right?”

The doorbell rings in the distance, so I grab my bags and stroll down the hall. “Have a nice weekend, guys,” I call out.

“You, too,” Sarah stifles out through a muffled kissing sound.

I open the door. “Hey, Mike, how are you today?” I ask as he closes the door behind me.

“Good, thanks. Can I take your bags?”

“Sure.” I hand him my overnight bag but keep my handbag.

“Have you had a busy day?” I question trying to make small talk as he loads my bag into the trunk.

“Quite busy, Miss Taylor.” We get in the car and take off.

“Aiden’s been keeping you occupied, then?”

“Yes, ma’am. I’ve driven him all over the city today.”

I tilt my head in curiosity. “Anywhere in particular?”

“Oh, you know…. to the office, lunch, the police station, then back to the—”

“Police station? Why did he need to go there?” I interject, concerned.

“He hasn’t told you? Sorry, Miss Taylor, I shouldn’t have said anything,” he mumbles, looking away and concentrating on the road.

“It’s fine, Mike. I won’t say anything to him, I promise,” I reply, wondering what the hell this is all about. I have to admit, I’m more than a little intrigued.

Mike swallows heavily. “I’d very much appreciate that, Miss Taylor. Thank you. I shouldn’t have spoken out of turn.”
