Page 79 of Trust Me

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No one’s ever talked to me the way Aiden’s father does. That shit intimidates the hell out of me, and I have no idea how to react, let alone retaliate to it. So, instead of saying anything, I simply stand and walk toward Aiden’s bedroom.

“Don’t you listen in either, girlie,” Niall warns.

My deflated eyes shift to Aiden, and I can’t help the disappointed look I give him. With a sympathetic half-smile, he mouths, ‘sorry.’ I nod in acknowledgment and walk into his bedroom, closing the frosted doors. Holy hell! What’s wrong with that asshole? I lean against the doors, my subconscious deciding she wants to hear what Niall has to say. I slide down the wall next to the doors listening in intently.

“What the hell are you doing, boy?” Niall asks loudly. “I’ve told you she’s no good for you or your damn career for that matter.”

Fuck! He’s right to the point.

“I thought you were here to talk about what happened today, not my love life.” Aiden’s tentative, almost submissive in his approach to his father. Nothing like the assertive man I’ve come to know.

“That is the damn point, Aiden. You shouldn’t have a love life. You’re too young. And if you want the vice president position, you have to earn it, not expect it. Having that fluff on your arm is a distraction. I want, no need, you to achieve your goals, son.”

“Your goals, Father, not mine.” Aiden raises his voice now. “I don’t expect it. I never have. I know I have to earn it…” he pauses, but I have no idea what’s happening. “The distraction isn’t Jeni. It’s that detective breathing down my neck.”

What the fuck? My heart rate increases as I crease my brows at the mention of detective.

“We’re all being investigated, Aiden, not just you. You don’t see Matthew wasting his time with meaningless women.”

“Jeni’s not meaningless, Father. I love her. And I’m not going to jeopardize my relationship with her just to make you happy.”

I can’t help but smile as he defends my honor.

“Jesus, Aiden… love? There’s no such thing as love. There’s only convenience. And at the moment, she’s a distraction. It won’t last. I know it won’t, so stop wasting your goddamn time, boy.”

“No such thing as love? What are you talking about? What about Mom? Don’t you love her?”

“Convenience, Aiden. It’s all a matter of convenience.”

I bite my bottom lip, so I don’t shout out something I shouldn’t.

“What? You’re full of shit, you know that?”

“Don’t you talk to me like that… I put you where you are today, boy, and I can take it all back in an instant if I wish. I’m guessing your girl won’t stick around for long once you’re a poor man living like trailer trash.”

“You patronizing son of a…” Aiden’s voice trails off trying to calm himself before he begins speaking again. “Father, listen… thank you for bringing me up the way you have. I appreciate it, and everything you’ve done for me. However, I’ve worked hard to get to where I am today. Yes, you may pay my salary, but I still work for it, and damn hard too. As for Jeni, I trust that she doesn’t care about my money and will stick by me no matter what.”

I can’t help but smile, he knows me so well already.

“Then you’re a bigger fool than I thought you were. Women like only one thing in a man… money and the power it brings. That’s all she’s after, Aiden.”

I roll my eyes. He’s such a jackass!

“Father, why are you here?” Aiden asks, his voice is defeated.

“What did the detectives say to you?” Niall asks.

I lean closer, to make sure I hear everything being said.

“That they’re getting closer. They told me when they find out who it is, they’re going to take them down. That’s basically it.”

“Did they say who they suspect?”

“They seem to suspect us all. That’s why we’re being questioned.”

What the hell for?

“All right, keep your guard up and get rid of the girl!”
