Page 81 of Trust Me

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We call into the local shopping center on the way to Skye’s birthday party to buy a box of chocolates and some flowers for Skye. Although I know Mel said that our presence is Skye’s present, I still feel like we should take a little something.

When we arrive, Mike pulls up to the curb to let us out. There are purple and turquoise balloons forming an archway at the entrance of their home. Sky obviously couldn’t decide which color, so she chose both. Aiden takes my hand, and we walk through the archway into the backyard. As we turn the corner, Mel’s serving drinks for the guests.

She spots us right away and comes over. “Hey, sweetie, how are you?” She gives me a big hug.

“Mel, let me introduce my boyfriend, Aiden.”

Her eyes quickly dash to mine as she raises her eyebrows and then shakes Aiden’s hand.

“Nice to meet you,” Aiden offers.

“You, too, Aiden. Would you both like a drink?”

“Yes, please,” I chime.

“Beer and wine okay?”

Aiden answers for both of us. “That will be perfect, thanks.”

We head into the backyard where a lot of people I don’t know are congregated around a long, rectangular table set with a purple tablecloth. I see a table in the corner set up for presents, so we make our way over and place the chocolates and flowers on it. John, my boss and Mel’s husband, spots me and heads on over.

“Hey, John, how are you?” I ask, hugging him as the rented jukebox clicks over and plays another song.

“Fit as a fiddle, hon.”

“This is Aiden, my boyfriend. Aiden, this is John, Mel’s husband.”

Aiden puts his hand out. “Nice to meet you, John.”

“So, you’re the culprit who’s responsible for all those flowers appearing in the reception area, then?”

“Yes, sir, that’s me.” Aiden beams with pride.

“As long as you keep treating our girl right, you’re okay by me,” John assures him as he takes a sip of his beer. I shake my head and suppress a laugh as Mel brings over our drinks. “Here you go, guys. Make yourselves comfortable. Everyone should be downstairs shortly,” Mel informs as we head over to a table, then take a seat.

Aiden holds my hand under the table, interlacing our fingers as usual. He takes a sip of his beer when we hear a ruckus coming from the stairs and turn toward the commotion. It’s the girls in their short dresses and high heels. They’re all grown up, not like the picture in Mel’s office. Aiden chuckles as they chatter loudly among themselves, making their way outside to join the party.

One of them spots Aiden, eyeing him up and down. He doesn’t notice at first, but her eyes open wide with excitement as she sees my handsome boyfriend, and she elbows one of her sisters to point him out.

I start to laugh, and Aiden looks at me, confused. “What’s so funny?” he questions.

“The girls are excited to see you.”

He turns his head to look, and they all giggle, so he waves. They shriek and whisper to each other like the fans of a boy band. He laughs, taking another sip of his beer like he’s unaffected by their affection.

Mel ushers them over to us. “Girls, this is Jenifer from work. Jeni, these are my girls… Skye, Amy, and Jade.”

I let go of Aiden’s hand and stand to greet them. “Happy birthday, Skye.”

I lean in, hugging her, and she whispers in my ear, “Thanks for the eye candy.” I can’t help but smirk at Aiden, who seems completely oblivious to his fan club.

“Oh, and here’s my son, CJ,” Mel gushes, pointing to him as he steps around the corner with a tall, young brunette in hand. He walks toward us, and my eyes almost burst out of my head in shock.

Sarah runs up, hugging me with a small laugh. “I didn’t know you’d be here. Thank God… I don’t know anyone, and I’m so nervous,” she whispers in my ear, so I comfort her with a smile.

“Hey, Chris, I had no idea you’re Mel’s son,” I announce not giving away Sarah’s inner turmoil.

“I didn’t realize you were the Jeni that they never shut up about. Now I understand why I feel this need to be so overprotective toward you,” Chris states.
