Page 95 of Trust Me

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The weeks have moved along so fast, and everything is going freaking great. We’re spending our first Christmas together.

The chill in the air makes me pull on the covers, but I can’t wait a second longer. I’ve been waiting for this day for what seems like an eternity—my first Christmas morning with Aiden—and now it’s here!

“Merry Christmas, Aiden!” I chime as I reach my hand under the bed to pull out his present. His eyes bulge when he sees the big package in front of him, wrapped up in silver and blue paper with a big bow on top. He picks up the box, shakes it, and listens for movement.

“I didn’t know what to get you. There are a few things. Open it.” I beam excitedly.

He tears into the paper to find a box filled with gifts. There are a couple of shirts, various ties in different colors, the complete series of The Game of Thrones—a television show he seems obsessed with and watches every time it comes on, even though he’s already seen every episode—and a framed photograph of us at Skye’s birthday party.

“Thanks, I love this.” He holds up the picture frame. It’s the same one I have in my room.

He bends over and pulls out two small rectangular presents from his bedside table wrapped in silver and pink wrapping paper with little bows on top.

I bite my bottom lip in excitement as he hands me the gifts, and I tear the paper on the first one to reveal a light blue Tiffany & Co. bracelet box. “Aiden! This is too expensive.”

“I like to spoil my girl,” he replies.

I take in a deep breath and open the box to a white-gold chain bracelet with ‘xoxo’ as a centerpiece glistening in the light. “Oh my God, I love it.” I take the bracelet out of the box and inspect it closely. It’s such a sweet gift, and I’m so happy he chose it for me.

“It reminded me of the text message you sent me after our first date when you put the ‘xoxo’ for the first time at the end of the message.”

I chuckle. “I remember… thank you.” He places it around my wrist carefully. “I was so worried I’d been overly affectionate at the time.”

“Well, it made my night when I saw those little kisses and hugs. Now open the other one.”

I smile like a Cheshire cat and tear the wrapping to find another light blue Tiffany & Co. box. “Aiden!” I scowl, furrowing my eyebrows but following it with a smile.

“Just open it.”

Opening the box quickly, I find a matching necklace in white gold with ‘xoxo’ as the centerpiece.

“This is too much.”

“You’re worth every cent.”

“I feel bad. My presents suck compared to this.”

“I love them all but the photo… it’s the perfect gift. It’ll look awesome on my desk at work, where I’ll be reminded every day how lucky I was to find you.” He strokes my arm.

I lean forward on my knees and hug him. “I really, really, love your gifts, Aiden. Thank you so much.” I sit back on my feet and hand the necklace to him. Lifting my hair out of the way, he places the necklace carefully around my neck and fastens the clip.

Honestly, I couldn’t be more in love with him right now if I tried.

He is amazing.

We get dressed and head over to my mother’s for Christmas lunch.

“Just letting you know that Mom can be a little quirky, but it’s one of the things I love most about her.”

We pull up in front of Mom’s apartment building in Aiden’s Aston Martin. Taking Mom’s present with me, we slide out of the car, walk to the door, and press the doorbell.

“Coming,” she yells as she runs for the door. We hear a bang, then something falls and crashes onto the floor. “Oh, crap.”

I glance at Aiden and laugh as Mom swings open the door swiping down her dress. “Sweetheart, I’ve missed you. I’m glad you’re here. Merry Christmas.” She leans forward hugging me tightly.

“Merry Christmas, Mom.” I embrace her. “Mom, this is Aiden.”

Still holding onto me, she looks up at Aiden. “Aiden, it’s nice to meet you. I’ll hug you in a minute, I need my Jeni fix first.”
