Page 98 of Trust Me

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“Dan, stop that! Where’s my fun-loving, caring, honest, lovable Dan gone?” Killian asks.

Daniel slumps his body like he’s ashamed of himself. “Sorry. It’s a stressful time for me.” He runs his hand through his hair.

I decide to say what I’m truly thinking, anyway. “Daniel, I think you should be proud of who you are, and if you’re in a relationship with Killian, be proud of that, too. You shouldn’t have to hide who you’re with because you’re scared of one small-minded man’s reaction.”

Daniel sighs as Killian takes his hands. “C’mon, baby, we got this. Let’s walk out there holding hands. We won’t even have to say anything. They’ll just figure it out on their own.” Killian’s almost begging.

Daniel looks at me, furrowing his brows with a saddened frown. “What’ll Aiden think?” he asks me directly.

I smile brightly and pat him on the shoulder. “He’ll be thrilled. Aiden already thinks of you as part of the family. Now it’ll simply be official. If you’re worried about Aiden being upset or angry, the only thing he’ll be concerned about is you keeping this from him.”

Daniel’s face crinkles as he looks at Killian, then he leans in kissing him gently on the lips. Daniel exhales, rubbing the back of his neck. “Okay,” he hesitantly says, instantly making Killian and me smile.

“You’re doing the right thing,” Killian tells him as he takes Daniel’s hand.

“If I get fired, you’ll have to pay me the same wage,” Daniel instructs Killian.

“Deal,” Killian agrees as he walks out of the library and into the dining room. I follow behind, smiling and feeling happy that I can be witness to something so wonderful.

The two lovers stop at the doorway of the dining room where everyone’s now seated, waiting for us. I stroll in and sit next to Aiden. He takes my hand under the table, and I smile at him widely, making him arch his brow in confusion at my apparent sudden happiness. Killian stands by the end of the table taking a glass and tapping it with a knife to gain everyone’s attention. They all look up as Daniel turns pale, sweating profusely as he loosens the tie from around his neck. He swallows hard as he looks directly at me. I give him a big smile and nod, offering the encouragement he needs.

“What are you doing, Killian?” Niall asks loudly in annoyance.

“Father, Dan and I have an announcement.” Killian’s face is radiating happiness, but Daniel’s is growing pale and pastier by the second.

“Well, get on with it. I’m hungry,” Niall groans.

Killian takes hold of Daniel’s hand.

Aiden looks at me with his eyes almost bulging out of his head.

“I’d like to officially announce that Dan and I are finally coming out. We’ve been a couple for over a year, and we thought this was as good a time as any to tell you all.”

Brielle claps uncontrollably and squeals. “It’s about time,” she calls out, and Killian laughs at her as the rest of the table reacts to the news.

Nana and Callie both jump from their seats, walking over to hug them.

Aiden stands and shakes Daniel’s hand. “You had me fooled.” Aiden shakes his head. “This is great news, guys. I’m so happy for you both.” He hugs his brother.

I look over at Niall and watch as his face turns beet red and his nostrils flare. I don’t like the look of this.

“Did you know about this?” Aiden questions me.

I shrug. “I might have been slightly suspicious.”

“How come they announced it today?” he asks me quietly as the other people in the room continue to congratulate the two men.

I lean in close to Aiden. “Because I saw them kissing. Daniel’s scared your father will fire him.”

Aiden looks over to Niall, who’s still sitting at the table silently fuming and looking angrier with every passing second. “Unfortunately, he probably will.”

Suddenly, Niall stands and pounds his fist on the table, making everyone jump. “Is this a joke?” He stares at Daniel, who instantly looks away.

Why is Niall such a miserable old bastard?

Can’t he let his son be happy?

Killian takes Daniel’s head in his hands and kisses him to prove a point. Everyone instantly snaps their heads to Niall, waiting for his reaction. Instead, he sits, takes a deep breath, and talks calmly as the tension fills the room. “Daniel, I’m extremely disappointed in you. You’ve proved that you’re not only a liar, but that you can’t be trusted. I have no other option than to terminate your position at O’Connell Finance. You can pick up your personal items before we return to work on the seventh of January.”

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