Page 113 of Love Me

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Tears well in my eyes when he reaches his hand out to mine. I flinch away, and he frowns. “This will be so much easier if you accept that you love me.” His voice takes on a much sterner tone.

My eyes shift to the elevator. My stomach flips, and my chest squeezes, but I decide to make a run for it, there’s not much else I can do right now. So, I step out from behind the coffee table and walk around to meet him. Jason looks at me with a loving expression in his eyes.

“Close your eyes,” I whisper, leaning in like I’m going to kiss him.

He smiles, closing his eyes. I wait until he shuts them completely, then tiptoe over to the elevator. Although my feet are killing me, I can’t help but utter a tiny whimper.

“Come now, don’t be shy,” he murmurs.

Dammit! He opens his eyes to see me by the elevator pressing the button frantically. I freeze, stunned, as he looks at me pursing his lips and flaring his nostrils. “You know I don’t like to play games.” Jason storms over to me, and I try to run in, but he yanks me by the arm, holding so tightly it hurts. He pulls me back and grabs both my arms firmly. I let out a yelp at the brute force he’s holding me with.

“Now, now, Jeni… if you behave, this will be a lot easier for you,” he grunts out menacingly.

“Jason, why are you doing this?”

He tilts his head. “Because I love you, Jeni. I’ve already told you that!”

“Jason, you’re hurting me.” I try to fight back the tears as they pool in my eyes.

He tilts his head again. “I never meant to hurt you.”

“Then don’t,” I plead.

Jason lets my arms go, and I rub them where he was holding them so tightly. “Look, Jeni, come with me, love me and never leave me, and everything will be all right.” His fingers stroke through my hair.

I start to shake as the fear finally hits me. “Jason… I—”

He puts his finger up to my lips to silence me. “Shush now.” His face is so close to mine, he leans in to kiss me.

I curl up my face in response, but I figure it’s best to play along until Aiden returns.

Jason moves in closer and gently kisses me. Tears flow freely down my cheeks when he moves his tongue into my mouth. Revulsion overcomes me as I reluctantly kiss him back.

Please let this be over soon. Please. Please.

Jason moves his hand to my breast as fear overwhelms me. Honestly, I can’t take anymore, and I pull back from him. He stares, his face turning red in such fierce anger that he raises his hand and slaps me across the face so hard it knocks me to the floor. I moan and grab the side of my face in pain as the tears flow rapidly.

“Jeni, now what did I say!” he yells, then his mood switches instantaneously when he finds remorse. “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I never mean to hurt you.” He crouches down next to me as I flinch away from him in disgust. “Don’t be like that.” Gently he strokes my arm while I sit on the floor holding the side of my face.

“Jason, what’s wrong with you?” I blurt out before my brain has time to stop me.

His face scrunches and his nostrils flare. “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? Why are you fighting me on this, Jeni? You know we belong together, and I know you still love me. You always have and always will.” He believes every damn word he’s speaking.

I think he’s truly gone mad.

“Jason, I don’t think we’re good together.”

Violently pulling at my arms, he stands taking me with him. “Stop playing games. Now let’s go!” He drags me toward the elevator, but I struggle against him and break free. I run toward the balcony, but he catches me quickly and throws me to the floor. My stomach crashes into the corner of the glass coffee table, knocking the flowers off and the table breaks beneath my weight. I roll onto the floor, clinging to my stomach and moaning in pain as the tears start to really flow now.

“See what happens when you don’t listen? You’ve brought this all on yourself.” He grabs hold of my arms and places one knee on either side of my waist so he’s straddling me. I panic as I fight against him, kicking my legs and trying to free my hands from his grasp, my head thrashing from side to side while he sits atop me grinning like the Cheshire cat.

“Jason, get the fuck off me,” I yell as I struggle against him.

“Only if you promise to behave and come with me.”

I just want him off me. So, I stop thrashing around and concede. Jason slowly gets off me and stands, still holding my hands, and he drags me up off the floor. I hunch over as my stomach burns with pain. He walks me over to the elevator and pushes the button holding on tightly to my hand. Overwhelming fear engulfs me when the doors open again, and we step in. As the doors start to close, I pull his hand up and bite it, so hard he lets go.

“Ouch! You little bitch!”
