Page 123 of Love Me

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“Here, take this.” Sandy hands me a piece of paper.

I raise my eyebrow. “What’s this?”

“It’s my cell number if you need me, anytime, to talk, or for some guidance, or to simply sit with. Call me. Promise me you will if you need to.”

“Of course, thank you so much. I don’t think I could’ve gotten through this without you.”

“A stranger can be more comfort than those you love. Funny, but sometimes our brains work in mysterious ways.”

“Thanks, Sandy, for everything. But I want you to go home, I’m going to try and get some sleep.”

She smiles. “If you need me at any time during the night, call me. I don’t care what time it is. Promise me?”

“I promise. Now go. I’m sure you must be hungry.”

“Starving,” she chimes as she walks toward the door but spins around at the last minute. “Anytime. Okay?”

“Anytime,” I reply.

Sandy exits the room, and I sigh, feeling a little better about myself now.

I still have mixed emotions about Aiden. However, knowing that with time, perhaps it will get easier. And that thought alone makes me feel lighter somehow.
