Page 30 of Love Me

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I huff, leaning back in my chair, thinking we’re in for a long night at the office.

“I’ll be right back.” Aiden stands and walks out to me. “Do you mind if I stay back tonight? I won’t be long. We’re nearly done, and I’ll get dinner on the way home. Can you tell Mike what’s going on, so he knows to come back and pick me up?”

I know I don’t have a choice, but it’s nice he’s offered me one, and I’d rather go home and relax than stay here and wait. “Sure, stay as long as you need.”

Aiden leans down and kisses my forehead. “I won’t be too long, maybe a couple more hours. I promise.”

“See you at home later.” I kiss him quickly on the lips, and he walks back into Niall’s office.

“I’m heading out, Father,” Brielle calls out, but Niall doesn’t reply. She shakes her head and puts her arm in mine, then we walk together to the elevator.

“How are things going with Logan? How did you meet?” I ask her as we enter the elevator.

“Great. We went to high school together. I bumped into him at the mall, and we hit it off again.”

“I’m glad. He seems lovely, Bree.”

Her face brightens as she sighs. “He is, but we’re taking things slow. It took him nearly a month to ask me out on a date.”

“Ahh, men.”

She nods. “Yeah… men.”

We exit the building, and Mike is waiting for me. Bill, Niall’s driver, is also waiting for Brielle.

I fill Mike in on what’s happening, and he opens the front passenger door for me, and as we drive home, I tell Mike all about what happened today.

“Miss Taylor, if I may say, Mr. O’Connell, as in Niall, is very temperamental. I’m sure everyone is telling you not to take any notice of him, and I’m going to say the same. Don’t let him get you down. He’ll never change. All the people around him have to grow a very thick skin. Everyone, Miss Taylor, and especially you.”

I look at him curiously. “Especially me?”

“Yes, because you’re the one and only person who can take Aiden from him. You’ve made Aiden care about something other than work, and that’s a big deal for Niall…” Mike exhales like he’s thinking of something other than what we’re talking about. “He wants Aiden to be solely focused on his job and on him. He sees you as a distraction, but more importantly, as a threat. Niall has had his son to himself for a very long time, molding and shaping him into the businessman he is today.”

“Yeah, I got that feeling. It’s easier said than done, though. I shouldn’t let Niall get to me, but he does. I know how important their relationship is. I’ve never had a father, and I never want Aiden to lose his because of me. That thought is abhorrent to me, Mike.”

Mike looks at me briefly and then turns his attention back to the road. “Niall gets to all of us at one point or another, unfortunately, Miss Taylor.”

What does he mean by that? Obviously, Mike and Niall have had words or dealings with each other in the past as well. I can’t help but get the feeling Mike doesn’t have much time for Niall either. I’ll have to ask Aiden about Mike and Niall’s relationship some time.

We pull into the parking garage, and I say goodbye to Mike and then make my way to the elevator. I search through my bag for the security key card, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere.

That’s odd!

Making my way back to the car, I tap on the window. “Sorry, Mike, must’ve left my key card at the office. Can I borrow yours?”

“Sure thing, Miss Taylor.” He hops out of the car, walks over to the elevator, uses his key card, and I push the button for the top floor.

“Thanks, Mike, you’re a lifesaver.” He dips his head as I step in, the doors close, and I travel up to our apartment.

I wander inside, and it feels a little weird. It brings back memories of a time I’d rather forget. Those are dark thoughts, and I put them out of my mind. I rarely get time alone, so I decide to make the most of it.

I walk into the bedroom and change into a little pink negligee. I seem to wear them a lot more now that I’m in a relationship. Moving to the kitchen, I pour myself a glass of wine to calm my nervous energy from today’s work disaster. I pick up my phone and my AirPods from the counter and take them and my wine outside and sit on the balcony deciding to message Sarah. I haven’t seen much of her lately. I have been so caught up with having Aiden back.

Jenifer: Hey, Sez, had a very weird day today. Started out with undeniably great sex with Aiden, and then it all turned to shit. Niall was a first-class dick. Just saying. I got coffee mixed up in an important meeting and because of that, I thought they were going to pass on working with the company. The guy’s son, Erik, was crushing hard on me. We landed the account, apparently, because they thought I was cute. So my day has been crazy! What have you been up to?

I hit Send.

Taking another sip of my wine, I feel myself relaxing as I rest my head back against the chair when my phone beeps.
