Page 31 of Love Me

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Sarah: Hey, Jen. So, sounds like your day was boring then. Lol What do you mean Niall WAS being dick? He IS a dick. A teeny, weenie, tiny, little shriveled limp dick, like seriously pinky-finger sized! So, don’t worry about him. Just show him your tits, and that might cheer the old fucker up, or give him a coronary. Either way, it’s a win-fucking-win. What have I been up to you ask? Well, let me tell u. Chris and I bought the Kama Sutra off Amazon, and we’ve been trying out all these new positions. There’s one called the praying mantis - u so have to try it! With Chris’ stamina, we’ve nearly done the whole book.

I open my eyes wide and laugh. Sweet baby Jesus! Too much information. But I guess I always get that from Sarah. I hit Reply.

Jenifer: I think showing my partner’s father my tits might be breaking the partner code, just saying. Oh, and thanks for sharing the name of the sex position. lol You made that shit up, didn’t you? Seems since Chris has moved in, things are going well for you guys?

I hit Send and giggle at the thought of flashing Niall. Who knows? Maybe it would get him to like me. The only problem is, I would neverdo that, so I guess it’s out of the question.

Sarah: Yes, things are going great with Chris and me. And yes, the praying mantis is real! Well, I guess technically it might be a bad thing flashing your partner’s father, but what if Aiden was in the room and he saw it too, then you could say you were showing your tits to Aiden and unfortunately Niall was there. Good old limp dick might start to appreciate your ‘assets’ in his business, and it’ll get Aiden all horny and you can have some more of that undeniably great sex you’ve been having. Honestly, what do you have to lose?

I laugh at her text, she’s so damn crazy. I hit Reply.

Jenifer: Maybe my dignity?

Sarah: Dignity schmignity, get those babies out and flash the world.

I laugh again and hit Reply.

Jenifer: Okay, I’m going now. Love you :-)

Sarah: Love u too

I giggle, putting my phone on the table while popping my AirPods in my ears and listen to some music. A warm, gentle breeze blows in the air. The sun starts to set in hues of pink and turquoise, it’s really magical. “Thank You for Loving Me” plays by Bon Jovi as I relax back in the chair and listen to the lyrics. They’re beautiful, and it’s exactly how I feel about Aiden. This should be our song!

I make a mental note to play it for him when he comes home and relax back, enjoying my wine and listening to my music as the sun sets over the city. With the sun set, the temperature drops, so I decide to take a spa bath. Surprisingly, it’s one thing I’ve yet to try since moving in.

Making my way to the ensuite, I take off my negligee and panties and set the faucet running. On the side of the tub is some sweet-smelling bath oil, so I drop it in the water, then wander to the kitchen for another glass of wine.

I tie my hair up out of the way and place my glass of wine on the side of the spa, slowly easing into the hot water, and press the button to turn on the bubbles. They waft up from the jets while I rest my head on the edge against the plastic pillow. Music is playing in my ears, so I close my eyes and let the calmness of the evening float the stress of the day away.

My eyes are closed, and I’m almost asleep in the warm bubbling water, when suddenly a chill slides up and down my spine. The hairs on my arms stand to attention as my eyes bolt open with the feeling someone’s watching me. I sit up higher, looking around, but I can’t see anyone. My heart pounds as I take the AirPods out of my ears to listen for any noise in the apartment.

“Hello?” I call out as I slowly edge out of the bath with water dripping everywhere. “Aiden, is that you?” I ask loudly as my heart beats so fast I feel it in my throat.

The elevator chimes, and I start to panic, so I grab a towel off the towel rack and run toward the ensuite door slamming it shut and locking it as I hold my back against the woodgrain breathing hard and fast, while looking around the room for something to protect me. There’s nothing in here except toothbrushes and damn conditioner bottles.

Holding my back against the door, I slide down and sit in a complete state of panic. I’m shaking, and my mind’s running over all the horrible ways in which I’m about to die. “Take what you want and leave,” I yell.

“Jeni, what’s wrong?” Aiden calls out in the other room.

Oh, thank God!

My body sags in relief as I stand and quickly open the door to Aiden, who’s walking in, his head tilted and his eyebrows furrowed. I lunge forward and hug him, soaking him completely.

“Jeni, what the hell is going on?” He holds me at arm’s length to look at me.

“I was in the spa, and I felt like someone was watching me.”

“We’re at the top of the building. How could anyone be watching you?” His eyes dart back and forth checking the apartment.

I shake my head at my own stupidity. “You’re right...” I pause feeling absurd for overreacting. “Now I come to think about it, I was probably dreaming.”

Aiden furrows his brows. then leans in to kiss my forehead. “I’ll check the apartment, though.” He turns and walks around, while I follow closely behind, anxiously holding his hand. After searching everywhere, he looks at me with kind eyes. “There’s no one here, baby.”

I let go of his hand while my anxiety eases, and he caresses my cheek. “You had your first spa here without me? You’ve been in there a while, too, haven’t you?”

“How did you know?”

“Look at your hands, they’re all wrinkled.” He takes my hand and slowly kisses my fingers. “You’re safe, Jeni,” he consoles, then walks out to the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, I dry myself, put on my panties, and walk to the kitchen, where he’s dishing out dinner that he bought on the way home.
