Page 49 of Love Me

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Aiden’s done the rounds of ringing our family and close friends letting them know what’s happened. I lay awake in our bed, staring at nothing. He walks in with saddened eyes and sits next to me on the bed.

“Everyone’s coming over later. I know you probably don’t want to see them, but they need to see us. They’re grieving, too.” I continue to stare at nothing while he strokes my hair. He kisses my forehead, then walks out into the living room.

Staring aimlessly into the vast nothingness around me, I continue to lay in bed. I’m hollow, empty, and emotionless inside. All I want is to wind back the clock, so I can do things differently. But I know I can’t, and there’s no point in dwelling on that fact.

The hours roll by. Aiden pops in periodically and lies with me on the bed, wrapping his arms around me, then his phone will ring, and he leaves the room to answer it. I’m completely exhausted, but all I can do is stare as numbness overtakes my soul.

The elevator chimes, and I know our families are arriving. Firstly, my mom. I hear her talking to Aiden, then the bedroom door opens, and she walks into the room. She exhales as tears prick in my eyes.

She steps over to me, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Oh, darling, I’m so sorry.” She leans in, and I hold on to her tightly. Softly, I start crying in her arms as she rocks me back and forth. There’s something about having your mom around, which simply brings all the emotion to the surface.

“It’s okay, sweetheart. Let it all out. It’s best that you do.”

I didn’t realize how much I needed her with me right now as the elevator chimes again. Mom holds on to me tightly, and I gather my strength in her arms. Aiden closes the bedroom door, leaving me to have some quality time with my mom while he tends to the other family members who are arriving periodically.

“Sweetheart, I know this is a terrible time for you both, and this is probably the last thing you want to think about, but I want you to know that you can try again. Maybe when you’re more settled and ready for a baby.” She’s trying to make me see there’s hope for a child in our future. “You know I love you, right?” I nod in response. “Trust me when I say it’ll get better. It will take time. It’s normal to mourn the loss of something so special, but it will get better. I promise you.”

“Thanks, Mom. Thanks for everything.”

She exhales. “I’ll let you rest. Would you like to come out with me?”

“I will, but first can you send in Bree?” I ask quietly.

“Of course, I’ll get her for you.” She kisses my forehead, then walks out.

I edge myself to the side of the bed with my knees up to my chest. The door opens slightly, and Bree pops her head around the corner. “Jeni, how are you feeling?”

“I’m all right,” I lie.

Bree sits on the edge of the bed next to me. Resting her hand on my knee, she looks at me with those damn sympathetic eyes that everyone seems to have mastered. “I’m sorry, Jeni.”

My chest squeezes, but I’ve had enough of feeling sorry for myself and being a blubbering mess, so I decide to talk to her about what happened. If anyone can help me with this, it’s Bree.

“Can I tell you something and you won’t tell anyone?”

She hesitates, but nods. “Um… yeah?”

“I think… I think I was pulled down the ladder.”

“Pulled?” she asks as her eyes widen.

“Yes. At the office.”

“By who?” she asks loudly, sounding outraged.

I make a quick decision to tell her everything I remember from the incident. “Niall was with me when the fire alarm went off. He’d asked me to climb up the ladder to grab a box from the top of a cupboard in the kitchen. I felt dizzy while I was on the ladder. He yanked at my top with force causing me to fall.”

Bree gasps while she listens closely to what I tell her about her father. “Shit, Jeni! Are you sure?”

“I was hurt pretty bad and couldn’t move. I was lying on the floor. All he did was to tell me to stop complaining and get up. Then he left me there, on my own, covered in blood and broken glass.”

Bree inhales sharply as she takes in everything I’ve said. “You have to tell Aiden, Jeni. And you should do it now.”

I shake my head. “No! This could and probably will put a strain on their relationship.”

Bree shakes her head with a frown. “You know this puts me in a difficult position. I understand where you’re coming from, though. This news will break Aiden’s heart and will definitely strain their relationship, especially if he knew that Father had a hand in this.” She hugs me, and I have to admit, it feels good finally talking to someone about what I know happened. I’ve been bottling this up since yesterday, having no one I could trust with this secret I have been harboring.

She exhales and shakes her head rather dramatically. “God, I could kill him for this. I can’t believe he pulled you off the ladder and then left you there. What was he thinking?”
