Page 59 of Love Me

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The moment we park, I’m completely drained. Mike opens the door for us, and Aiden walks me to the elevator with his arm around me for support. Mike follows close behind.

“I’m tired, and my head is pounding,” I say to no one in particular.

Aiden kisses my head gently as the doors open on level two, and Mike steps out.

“‘Night, Mike,” Aiden offers.

Mike nods as the doors shut. It feels like an eternity before the elevator stops at our apartment.

“What a night!” I exhale as the door opens, then kick off my shoes. Suddenly, Aiden bends and lifts me up. “Ahh… what are you doing?”

He carries me through our room to the ensuite and places me on the vanity so I’m sitting at the same height where he stands. This little display makes me instantly relax. He holds either side of my face and talks directly to me. “I love you, Jeni.” His tone is deadly serious.

My eyes meet with his, staring deeply into them. “I know.”

“No. Really. Please listen to me. My father’s purposely trying to tear us apart. He wants me to follow in his footsteps and make my life all about work, which it was until I met you. But he knows my priorities have changed, and my life is now all about you. I don’t want you to think that what he says is true. I will always love and protect you, no matter what he says or does. You’re my priority now and always, Jeni.”

“I know. It hurts that he hates me so much when I haven’t done anything to him. He was plain awful to me tonight.”

He lets go of my face and exhales. “Maybe it’s time to leave.”

“What do you mean, leave?” I say hurriedly.

“Leave the family business. I can start up on my own. I wouldn’t be under as much pressure all the time, and I can look after you better. Actually, I think it’s the best direction for both of us and our future.”

I shake my head slowly. “No! Aiden, I won’t be the cause of your family rift. That would make me feel worse than I already do. I won’t have you throwing everything you’ve ever worked for away for me. You need your father in your life.”

He frowns. “I have to really think about this, Jeni. I won’t have him treating you badly all the damn time. I’m nothing like him, and I never will be.”

Aiden moves closer to me, standing between my legs. With one swift movement, he pulls my top off over my head and moves to unclip my bra. My eyes widen, and I smile as I move my hands to unbutton his shirt. He pulls me off the vanity, so I’m standing in front of him and slowly he undoes the button on my pants and pulls on the zipper, then they cascade to the floor.

He shuffles out of his shirt while I move my hands down to his pants and undo them, letting them fall, freeing his rock-hard cock. His hand skims across my panty line and swiftly removes them. He squats below me and runs his hands up my naked thighs, then his mouth connects with my body. Kissing up my legs and over my thigh, he continues upward, making me shiver.

The tingling starts as he gently kisses my pussy. My hands move to his head, my fingers running through his hair, holding him to me as my breathing quickens. He continues to kiss past my hips, up my stomach to my ribcage, and finds his way to my breast. His mouth maneuvers over my nipple and gently sucks on it, tantalizingly slow. His hand moves down to cup my wet pussy.

I inhale sharply as his warm finger moves slowly around my clit, making me shiver with every swirl. My head falls back as I let the sensations take over me. He moves his mouth from my nipple to my collarbone, kissing slowly and gently up my neck to my jaw. I exhale when he moves slightly faster on my clit. The anticipation is becoming unbearable as I moan against his lips.

With his free hand, he pulls me to him. I feel his hard cock at my side, kissing him forcefully with want and need. I shiver again as he slides two fingers inside of me, making my breath catch. My hand is in his hair and my other around his waist as he kisses me with such unrelenting gusto that I almost fall backward.

Suddenly, he steps away from me as he heads toward the shower, leaving me breathless and wanting more. Upon opening the door and turning the faucet, he looks back at me and puts his hand out for me to take. I feel slightly unsteady on my feet from the passion we have shared, but I manage to walk into the shower with him without stumbling.

Aiden rotates me away from him and without saying a word, he moves my legs apart, and I brace my hands against the shower wall.

Then, he positions himself behind me. His hands run down my sides from my breasts to my hips. Aiden pulls my hips back, and he’s inside me, taking me by surprise. With a quick push, he has me against the wall while the water flows over him. He’s moaning when he thrusts into me, and it becomes almost painful.

I still and hold my breath but keep quiet while he starts to pound over and over again, pushing me against the wall. Hard. Aiden, my gentle Aiden, groans almost animalistic. It feels like he’s in pain, like he’s trying to remove his frustrations.

This is starting to feel a lot like angry sex and not our usual lovemaking. I can’t help but wonder how it has turned so quickly from passion to fury.

I start to tense as I become aware that he seems lost behind me.

Why is he doing this?

I’m too busy overthinking to even feel pleasure as he moans loud, his hands gripping onto my hips so hard I’m pretty certain it will bruise.

“Jeni,” he calls out while I tense, and he pauses, unloading inside me.

I stand against the wall with my heart racing, but not in a good way. To be honest, I’m hurt and emotional as he rests his head on my shoulder kissing it tenderly.
