Page 67 of Love Me

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“What was it?”

“It was dark, and there was a couple of loud noises. That’s all. Just my overactive imagination.”

He kisses my forehead, watching me intently.

“You guys ready to go?” Sarah interrupts.

Making our way to the car, we drive back to Sarah’s, where we head inside for coffee and catching up. Sarah and I move to the kitchen, and the guys sit at the dining table. They chat to each other while Sarah puts on the Keurig while I pull out four mugs from the cupboard.

Sarah looks at me, frowning. “You okay?” she asks quietly.

“Yeah, fine. Why?”

“You don’t seem your normal chirpy self tonight, and when you got here, you’d been crying. I could see it in your eyes. Don’t deny it.” She casually looks over at Aiden while I exhale and look toward the floor. “Is everything okay?” I shake my head. “Then what is it? Is he cheating?” she asks, her eyes squinting and her brow furrowed.

“No. Nothing like that. He… he got a little angry last night because of his father and that worries me.”

Her jaw clenches. “Jeni, is he hurting you?”

“No. It’s hard to explain. He was different, that’s all. It was something I didn’t expect from him.”

“As long as he’s not hurting you because Chris will kick his ass.”

“I know, it’s nothing like that.”

“I mean it. You talk to me, anytime.”

“I will, but there’s no need. I have it handled.”

We stay there for the remainder of the evening chatting, when all of a sudden, I yawn loudly.

“C’mon, Miss Taylor. Let’s get you home to bed.”

I stand. “Thanks for a great night, guys,” I say through yet another yawn.

Aiden takes my hand, and we head to the car.

We don’t even make it out the driveway before my eyes close, and I fall into a deep sleep.

Aiden is proving to me how it was a once off event.

As each day passes, we seem to be falling back into our old routine. The loss of our baby will always be remembered, but it feels like we are slowly healing.

At work, I’m much more proficient at my job, no longer relying on Brielle. It doesn’t seem to matter, though. I will never be able to please Niall, who still taunts me every single day behind Aiden’s back. The name calling is ever present, and though it hurts, it’s at least bearable due to the thick skin I’ve grown.
