Page 71 of Love Me

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The sun’s starting to set in its usual hues of pink and turquoise as he takes my hand on the table and gently rubs my thumb with his, sending a shockwave through me. He still manages to make my heart race with a simple touch. The waitress comes over and places the same garlic flatbread we had at the waterfall on our first date. We begin to eat while chatting mainly about work. I’m finally starting to understand some of the terminologies he uses.

Aiden abruptly stands and walks to me. He places his hand out for me to take, making me wonder what he has in mind. He walks with me to the edge of the cliff and holds me from behind while we watch the sun go down, slowly fading from serene colors until it’s almost dark.

The waitress lights little candles on the ground and a couple on the table giving it a romantic ambiance as they flicker in the evening breeze. She strides back to the catering van, and my attention is drawn to Aiden again. It’s so great to be here with him, just like on our first date.

That all seems like such a long time ago now but like it was yesterday at the same time.

I turn in his grasp so I’m facing him. He looks down at me, and we continue staring at each other.

Emotion runs through me—happiness, contentment, and most of all, an abundance of adoration and love.

The waitress comes over with our meals, placing them on the table. She doesn’t interrupt our moment like the waitress did on our first date.

Aiden loosens his grip. “Guess we’d better eat before it goes cold.”

“Guess so,” I mumble, mourning the loss of his contact.

The food is absolutely delicious, just as it was the first time.

“Frankie’s a great chef, but don’t tell Chris I said that. How do you know Frankie, anyway?” I ask the question I’ve been wondering since our first date.

“We went through school together,” Aiden admits, then he places some more food into his mouth.

I tilt my head. “I don’t hear you talk much about your friends.” I’ve come to the realization that he never talks about his friends.

He shrugs. “I don’t have many. I’m too busy with work and lost contact with all my university friends. Father made sure that work was my priority, so my social life was non-existent.”

“You have me… and Frankie.”

He nods and then looks up like he’s just realized something. “I guess Chris is my best friend?”

“Yeah, you two get along pretty well.” I smile.

“Yeah, he’s great. I really like him.”

Standing, I make my way to him and put my hand out. He takes my hand, standing to meet me with a boyish grin. We walk over to the telescope where a blanket has been placed for us so we can lay down and look at the stars. I cuddle into him like we did on our first date, the memories flooding back and filling me with contentment.

“Hey, lovebirds,” we hear someone call out.

We both sit up when Frankie walks toward us.

“Thanks for dinner. It was, as always, delicious,” Aiden declares.

“I know,” he goads with a smirk. “You must be the beautiful Jeni who I spoke to on the phone?”

“That’s me. Thanks for this, Frankie. I appreciate it.”

“For a beautiful young woman like you, Jeni, it’s my pleasure. Aiden, happy birthday, dude. Twenty-nine today, huh? You’ll be shuffling along with a walker before you know it,” he jokes.

Aiden scoffs. “You’re only ten months younger than me.”

“Ah, details, details. Anyway, I’m going to leave you lovebirds to it. Have fun, man.”

“Thanks again, Frankie.” I beam with a smile.

“Anytime, sweetheart,” he calls out over his shoulder.

I sigh and lay back as does Aiden, and we look up at the beautiful, twinkling stars.
