Page 91 of Love Me

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Daniel pushes his hand away and goes in for a hug. “Good. Miss seeing your ugly mug, though.”

Aiden chuckles, tapping his back, then they pull apart and Daniel turns to face me. “How’s personal assistant life for you, Jeni?”

“All good, Dan. Love the work, but the boss is a tad strict. You failed to mention that!”

“Niall’s being a jerk as usual?”

“No, I meant Aiden,” I joke, making everyone laugh but Aiden. He stares at me with a fake frown on his face. “You know you’re cute when you pretend to be angry.” I lean in grabbing his cheeks, and he can’t help but give me one of his panty-dropping grins.

Killian comes out, fully clothed this time, and walks up to Daniel, kissing him on his cheek. “Did you get the magazine layouts?” he asks.

Dan nods. “Yup, they’re right over there.”

Killian walks over to the counter.

“Hey, Daniel, you better watch out,” Aiden hollers, piquing everyone’s interest.

“Why is that?”

“Jeni’s going to turn Killian straight. She wants him for his body,” Aiden calls out, loud enough for Killian to hear.

“Oh my God, Aiden!” I flush bright red and sink further into the sofa.

“Jeni, my sweet… you’re the only girl I know who I would let try to turn me straight,” Killian yells back.

“Hey!” Daniel and Aiden say in unison.

Brielle laughs. “You asked for that, you shithead.”

Aiden sits and pulls me close to him. “You ready to go?”

I look up at him through my lashes. “You’re mean,” I whine.

“Yeah, but you love me.” He kisses my head, stands, and holds out his hand for me to take. “See you later, guys,” Aiden calls out loudly as we both walk toward the exit.

“See ya,” they all say together as we reach the rusty door.

“What’s on the other two levels?” I ask referring to the first and third floor of the warehouse.

“The first floor is where Killian does all his photographic stuff, like processing and framing. It’s like a workshop.”

“And the top?”

Aiden shrugs. “Nothing much. Mainly storage, I think.”

“This place is so cool.”

“Yeah, Killian found it one day and bought it. He turned it into his dream home and a workshop.”

Walking back to the car, Mike is ready to drive us home.

“Do you mind if we call in and see Mom first?” Aiden asks as we slide out of the car.

“Of course not.” I take his arm as we head to Callie’s apartment and arrive not long after.

Callie opens the door, immediately making eye contact with Mike. They slyly smile at each other as we walk in with him closing the door behind us.

“Hi, honey, how was your day?” Callie asks, hugging Aiden.
