Page 16 of All of Me

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Aiden suddenly pops his head around the door with a sheet wrapped around his waist. “Hey, guys.” Both their mouths drop open in shock. “You’re right, Chris, I would’ve hated it if she’d shacked up with some random dude so soon.” Aiden pulls me close to him.

Sarah jumps up out of bed, clapping her hands. Thank God she’s wearing a negligee. She runs over and practically jumps on us. “It’s about time yo

u guys got your shit together. You were both horrible to be around.”

Chris stands, walking over to their closet and grabs some clothes for Aiden. “Here you go, dude.”

“Thanks. For everything.” Aiden shakes his hand. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to kiss my woman.” Aiden lifts and flings me over his shoulder. I squeal as his hand moves out, slapping me on the ass.

“Go, Aiden,” Sarah calls out as we exit her room laughing.

Aiden carries me back to my bedroom, then flops me down on the bed.

The mattress dips with my movement, and I sink into the plushness as I gaze into his eyes. “I’m so happy. Happier than I’ve been in a long time.” I pull him down on top of me.

He chuckles as he falls, his hands landing either side of my body to support his weight as he raises his head, and his bright-blue eyes stare deeply into mine. “Do you know how much I love you, Jenifer Taylor?” Aiden asks, his nose brushing mine.

“About as much as I love you?”

His smile turns to a frown. “Guess I’d better get going.”

“Do you have to?” I pout out my bottom lip.

He jumps off me, standing to put Chris’ pants on. “Yes. I have to go into work and brief them for Tokyo. I need to make sure Father and Tori have everything they need.”

It hits me just how much I’ve missed working at the office with him. “Do you need a PA to fill in while Tori goes to Tokyo with your father?”

He half smiles, then shakes his head. “I have Brielle, but thanks for the offer. How’s it going at your mom’s?”

I shrug. “It’s all right, but I need to find something I’m better suited to. I’m going to start looking for a new job today.”

Aiden leans forward, pulling me from the bed, taking me into an embrace. “You know I’d have you back in a heartbeat, but I can’t fire Tori for no good reason. You understand, don’t you?”

“Of course, I do. I know it’s my own stupid fault for leaving you in the first place.”

Nuzzling into my hair, he inhales. “Well, never leave me again. I’ll see if I can use some of my connections to get you a job you’ll enjoy.”

“Thanks, that would be awesome.” I lean in to kiss him, and then he hurries to get ready.

We walk outside—the day is much brighter than yesterday. The sky’s awash in the most beautiful baby blue color as the sun glistens its morning rays. Not a cloud blemishes the heavens, and it’s like the angels are singing, it’s that damn glorious.

I smile, how appropriate.

It’s going to be a good day.

Aiden kisses me goodbye with a strong, passionate kiss, which sets my heart aflutter and those butterflies into motion as he slides into Mike’s car. As the car pulls away from the curb, I remember Aiden’s heading back to his apartment, and I realize we still have so much to talk about.

To be honest, I’m not sure if I can go back there.

I know I’ll probably have to if I want to live with him again. But it’s where everything went so terribly wrong for us. It’s where Jason—oh God, I can’t think about that.

I try to extinguish the memories of that night threatening to rise to the surface and decide to get ready for work instead. I may as well, seeing as Aiden’s gone. Getting dressed, I go through my usual routine, feeling the happiest I’ve been in a long time.

Arriving at work, I walk inside. Mom’s eyes dart to my dented car through the window, and she rushes over as I enter. “Jeni, what happened to the front of your car?”

“Got into a minor accident... I crashed into the back of Aiden who was driving to see me.” I grin.

Her eyes widen in shock. “You what? Jeni, I know you’re angry with him, but rear-ending him on purpose is dangerous not to mention illegal. What were you thinking?”

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