Page 19 of All of Me

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My reassurance makes his eyes sparkle. “So, we’re doing this, then? Getting married? Building a house and starting our lives together?”


The corners of his mouth turn upward as his whole face beams.

I know this feels right. Aiden’s the man I’m supposed to marry and be with until the end of time. Nothing can shake this good mood I’m feeling, not even the idea of having Niall back in my life. And I know one day soon, I will have to face that asshole again but not now and not today.

Right now, I am celebrating with Aiden.

Niall is tomorrow’s problem.

Aiden follows me home after work, so we can ask Sarah together if Aiden can stay until our new house is finished.

We both walk toward the dining room and notice Chris sitting at the table in his boxers playing on his phone.

“Been really busy today I see, Chris.” I giggle as we walk past.

“Yeah, flat out. Can’t you tell?” He smirks and continues to play on his phone.

We walk to my room and kick off our shoes as Sarah comes rushing in. Her eyes sparkle, and her face is beaming. “Aiden, are you staying for dinner?”

“Actually, there’s something Jeni and I would like to discuss with you guys over dinner if that’s all right?”

Sarah raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “Yeah, no worries.” She runs back out of the room as quickly as she entered, causing me to snort out a laugh as we sit on the edge of my bed.

“Are you sure you want to move in here? You won’t have much private space or an office to work in.”

“Jeni, anywhere you are is perfect for me. It’s only for a month, and since being with you, I’ve learned what’s truly important to me. Luxurious living means nothing if you don’t have someone important to share it with.”

My heart sinks a little knowing he was as lost without me as I was without him. Leaning in, I kiss him on his cheek. He winks at me, and at this moment, I know that Aiden and I are truly made for each other. We gaze in each other’s eyes, and his bright orbs sparkle, giving me goosebumps all over my body. I lean in and kiss his lips softly, then stand and grab my gray sweat pants and pink tank top to get changed.

Aiden takes off his jacket and tie and starts unbuttoning his shirt. “I was thinking of asking Chris to be my best man. What do you think?” he asks out of the blue.

“That’ll be great because I already asked Sarah to be my maid of honor at our engagement party.”

I pull him up from the bed, so he’s standing before me. His arms wrap around my waist, mine around his neck. We start to kiss, and tingles flitter all through me, just like every time I’m alone and kissing Aiden. It never changes. The chemistry, the way we feel, the way our bodies react to each other, we just belong together.

Sarah eventually comes in disturbing our moment by telling us dinner is ready. We walk out to the dining room and sit at the table waiting for Chris to dish up another one of his masterpieces. He brings us homemade spaghetti and meatballs, and it smells delicious as always.

Sarah pours us some wine and hands the guys a beer, then sits. “What is it you wanted to talk to us about?”

I grin, but let Aiden do the talking. “As you know, we’re back together—”

“Yay,” Sarah interrupts, clapping her hands enthusiastically like a small child. She can’t help herself, and I giggle.

“We want to live together again, but for obvious reasons, we both don’t want to go back to the apartment—”

“You can stay here,” Chris interrupts this time.

Sarah’s face is all smiles. “Yeah, for sure. Stay here with us. It’ll be cool having you guys around. It’ll be like a permanent double date.” Sarah’s voice is high-pitched and bubbly.

“It will only be for a month or so while our house is being built,” Aiden informs.

Sarah and Chris’ mouths drop open in their obvious surprise. “Shit, you’re building? Where?” Chris asks.

“On the outskirts of town at the top of Commitment Hill.”

“Is that what it’s really called?” Sarah asks with a smirk.
