Page 57 of All of Me

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“Don’t even start, Father. I swear to God, I’ll knock you out, too. I’m in the mood.” Aiden shakes free of his father’s grip.

“Niall, I have never been so insulted in all my life. How dare your son hit mine. I don’t care what Erik may or may not have said. Aiden, you were completely unprofessional and out of line. If you act like this in the workplace, then I hate to think of what you’re capable of with my finances. I’m withdrawing my account effective immediately, and I’ll be telling everyone I know how unprofessional and incompetent you and your staff are. I’m extremely disappointed in you, Aiden. We had high hopes, and you’ve proved me completely wrong… c’mon, Erik, let’s get you home. Good day, Niall,” Mr. Anderson snaps as they storm off toward the elevator.

I look at Aiden, who’s breathing heavily out his nose and glaring at Erik.

Niall scurries off after them. “Robert, I can’t apologize enough for my son’s behavior. I’ll pull him from your account and will deal with you personally from now on. I can promise you that your account will be in safe hands. Bob, don’t let this come between our friendship,” Niall begs.

Mr. Anderson shakes his head and turns up his lip. “Niall, we never had a friendship. It was a business relationship. I’ve never liked you. I only stayed because I believed in Aiden, and now he’s turned out to be an arrogant asshole as well. No. Definitely not. I’ll not deal with you from now on because as of this very second, our business relationship is terminated. You, your hostile son, and his tease of a fiancée can go to hell. As I said, good day to you, sir,” Mr. Anderson sneers as they step into the elevator.

Erik looks at me and furrows his brow. He appears extremely angry as he holds on to his stomach.

The doors close, and Aiden rushes to my side. “Are you all right?” he asks, checking me up and down to assess the damage from the fall and the emotional damage from what just happened.

“What was that?” Niall screams which, of course, makes me jump as he walks over.

“He asked for it,” Aiden replies, running his hands up my arms.

“I’m not asking you. I’m asking her,” Niall yells glaring at me knowing I won’t tell Aiden that it was him who purposely tripped me. That’s what started all of this in the first place.

“Pulling a stupid stunt like tripping and then being a cocktease to Erik has lost us that account. You’re nothing but a stupid fucking bitch.” Niall thumps his fist on the table so hard, the computer screen rattles.

“Don’t you dare call her a cocktease! She couldn’t help tripping. It was an accident. Shouldn’t you be angry with me? I’m the one who lost us the account,” Aiden jabs back just as hard.

Niall huffs, shaking his head. “Pull your act together, both of you. And, Aiden, if you pull a stunt like that again, I’ll lay you out myself, so help me God,” he screams, then storms back into his office.

Aiden looks at me with a frown. “Jeni… I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me. I just lost it when I heard him talking to you like that. Don’t worry about Father.” His eyes lock onto mine lovingly.

I raise my hand and lightly touch his jaw where a slight bruise is forming. My heart breaks that he’s in pain, and it’s because of me yet again.

He winces and takes my hand. “Would you like to go home? I’ll come and look after you.”

Niall walks back out of his office, glaring at me. Seeing as the asshole is in a really bad mood and will probably keep tormenting me, plus, the emotion of seeing the man I love in a brawl, makes me agree that it is best for us to head home. “I think that’s a good idea. You don’t mind?”

“I want you to be comfortable, and I think we might feel better relaxing at home for the rest of day.”

I grab my personal belongings, and Aiden walks with me to Mike.

“Oh, Miss Taylor, what happened?” he asks.

“I tripped and fell, it’s nothing new.” I half laugh.

“You seem to be very accident-prone lately, don’t you?” he asks with a slight smirk. Mike looks at Aiden and focuses in on his bruised jaw but says nothing while Aiden helps me into the back seat.

We pull up at Sarah’s house and make our way inside. I can hear strange noises coming from the kitchen. It’s like a slapping sound mixed with moaning. I turn toward Aiden, who looks at me with his brows furrowed.

“Fuck me, sailor. Show me how good your seaman skills are.”

Oh shit! We slowly walk down the hall, and I gasp when we reach the kitchen. Sarah’s naked except for an apron wrapped around her waist and a little French maid’s hat, and Chris is naked except for a sailor’s hat and bib. Sarah’s bent over the kitchen counter while Chris is ramming into her from behind.

It’s like watching a real live porno.

Aiden chuckles as I raise my hand to cover his eyes.

“You’re such a filthy maid,” Chris grunts out, making me literally laugh loudly.

I quickly raise my hand up to my mouth as they both turn to see us gawking at them.

“Fuck,” Chris yells when he spots us. He pulls Sarah up from the counter and places his hands on her tits. Luckily, the apron is covering her pussy, or Aiden would have seen everything. Sarah squeals and places her hands on top of Chris’.
