Page 89 of All of Me

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A car pulls into the driveway followed closely by a police cruiser. I wave frantically when they finally come to a stop. Killian and Bree rush out along with a man in a white coat.

“Aiden… he’s not breathing,” I call out to them, and Niall freezes.

Niall’s face turns bright red with anger. He pushes me into the table and chairs on the balcony, my legs colliding and twisting with the metal framework as I fall into it. Although it hurts, I know nothing’s broken, so I look over the balcony and see Killian, Bree, and one of the officers arguing with them. They don’t listen long before they take off, running to the front door while the other officer radios something on his two-way on his shoulder. It’s like watching a movie playing out in front of me.

“Niall, it’s Dr. Paterson. Do you remember me from the hospital?” The man in white tries to gain Niall’s attention.

I try to untangle myself from the chair, but it’s hard when every single inch of me is in this much pain.

“What hospital? Where am I?” Niall calls out to the doctor. His confused state is concerning.

“You’re at your son’s home. You need to come downstairs and return to the hospital with me for treatment.”

Niall shakes his head. “What do you mean? I feel fine.”

Bree and Killian run into the bedroom and straight over to Aiden. The police officer moves them out the way and turns Aiden on his side. I watch them intently, hoping for signs of life.

Sirens blare from down the hill as I slowly stand, trying not to gain Niall’s attention, but of course, I fail.

“Callie, where are you going?” Niall calls out to me, taking me by the arm, pulling me to him. I flinch when he places his arm around me, freezing when he strokes my hair. “Callie, I love you.” Suddenly, he leans down to try and kiss me, and I can’t help it, I pull away dramatically but fall over a broken chair.

His eyes widen, and he frowns. “It’s you! I thought you were Callie. You tricked me!” His eyes darken, taking on that evil glint again as he steps toward me.

“Niall… stop!” The doctor uses a stern voice.

Niall halts and looks at the doctor. “Come downstairs, and we will talk about this.”

“Yes, Father,” he answers, stepping toward the edge of the balcony.

I blink a few times, watching it play out in what feels like slow motion. Once I realize what’s happening, my heart leaps into my throat. Quickly as I can, I stand and limp over to Niall when he gets too close to the railing. “Niall, no,” I call out.

He’s so fast as he climbs over the railing, but he slips. Rushing over, I grab hold of his hand, catching his weight. My body screams at me to let go. So does my head as I groan in agony holding the heavy weight all on my own, especially with the injuries I’ve sustained.

The police officer runs over to help me, his hand reaching over to grip onto Niall’s clothing. But Niall’s so heavy, and thrashing about making our grip harder to maintain. Niall’s hands are sweaty, and it’s difficult for me to get a tight hold. Panic races through me as my heart pounds faster. I’m scared shitless that I’m going to drop him. I’m just one girl who’s injured, and he’s this giant of a man, dangling over a damn balcony.

“I’m coming, Father,” Niall calls out.

“Help me!” I scream.

Killian rushes over, grasping my hand, trying to help pull Niall up, but even with the three of us pulling, Niall’s hand still slips.

In an instant…

… he falls.

Crashing headfirst into a large garden rock, his scalp splits open as his body tumbles to the cement below. A scream escapes my mouth as I watch his lifeless body with a river of blood pooling around his open head wound. My body shakes while I watch the doctor running to Niall as the ambulance drives in.

“Father, nooo!” Brielle screams.

Killian stares down at the scene below while he pulls me close to his chest hiding my view. I shake in Killian’s arms as he walks with me back into the bedroom. My attention instantly turns to Aiden. Slipping from Killian’s hold, I rush to Aiden’s side.

“Aiden, God, please be all right,” I beg and fall to the floor in an emotional heap.

The EMT checks his pulse. “It’s weak, but it’s there,” he advises, then places an oxygen mask over his face. The EMTs converse, then they check my wounds.

“Miss, my name’s Becca. Can you tell me what happened? Where are you hurt?”

“I’m fine, just take care of Aiden,” I plead.
