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I told him about my crack whore audition and Kyle who played my pimp and had him smiling and sympathetic with my rendition of how my lack of sleep gave me the perfect make-up for the job. Then I told him about Edgar Linton appearing and signing both Kyle and me and that we didn’t even know we were auditioning for one of his films. The smile disappeared from his face and then he put on a different face –a professional face.

‘Cathy, that’s brilliant, that is exactly what you wanted and you’ve done it in record time – four weeks and you’ve landed a part with a respected director,’ he said. ‘I told you that you were getting the parts on your own merit.’

‘Well, I’m still not convinced about that, but thanks for saying so,’ I conceded. ‘Besides, you brought me to Edgar’s attention, remember?’

‘No, you pulled it off. I just told him that you were good and clearly, he’s seen the light,’ he said, with insistence.

‘Thank you, my love,’ I said.

‘And four weeks,’ he said again, ‘you work fast. Any news on Nelly’s career, has she got a role?’ he asked.

‘No, but now that I’m on the inside I can keep my ear to the ground.’

‘When do you start rehearsals?’ he asked me.

‘Not for another month. Edgar said I should have a contract by next week and there’s a meet the cast and crew cocktail party this Thursday night. That’s exciting! Plus there’ll be a few meetings in the coming weeks just to establish everything.’ I was so excited that I was talking faster. ‘I am so happy,’ I said. ‘I’ve got my first film role for my CV without resorting to a B-grade movie like ‘The Day the Zucchinis Ate the World’; I’m working with a respected director, and I’ve got a guy I love who is doing a great job at what he loves,’ I said and sighed. ‘Everything is perfect.’

Heath didn’t look quite as convinced. And with those three words, I jinxed it.


The next morning over breakfast I told Nelly everything. We already had our routine of tea and toast established and I delivered the news so quickly that I can’t believe she kept up.

‘This is bigger than all of us,’ she exclaimed. I loved that Nelly wasn’t prone to exaggeration. ‘You should have woken me last night to tell me.’

‘I was asleep when you came in,’ I reminded her.

‘Oh yeah,’ she said. ‘Cathy you have done it, done it big time!

I shrugged. ‘It is only a minor part, I think … I haven’t seen the script yet. For all I know, it might be five minutes on screen.’

‘Who cares!’ she exclaimed, waving a piece of toast at me. ‘It’s five minutes in an Edgar Linton film.’

‘You’re right,’ I grinned. ‘I’m going to allow myself to be thrilled and stop worrying,’ I said with conviction. I placed a mug of tea in front of both of our places at the table and dropped into a chair.

‘You go girl. Speaking of actors, it was good the actors’ networking gig last night, you should come next time.’

‘Okay, I will. You know, Tamara, Edgar’s casting manager, still has some roles to fill. I don’t know what, but you should email her or call her and tell her we just moved here together and you’re keen to cut through. She’ll love your theatre discipline and Edgar said he wants fresh talent,’ I said.

‘I will, thanks. You don’t mind me dropping your name?’

I laughed. ‘She’ll probably have no idea who I am. But yeah, name drop away, I’m going to from now on. Act fast though, I don’t know what she’s got left.’ I brightened with another good idea. ‘Is your brother still coming to stay for the weekend?’

‘He is. There’s a big comic exhibition on,’ she said and rolled her eyes.

I laughed. ‘What a good sister you are. Anyway, he can get off the couch and crash in my room for the weekend – I’ll change the sheets … I’m going home to have a hot weekend with my boyfriend!’

‘Your lover,’ she said, grinning. ‘How’s the handsome Heath?’

‘Happy … and handsome.’

‘You are so much happier,’ she said, studying me. ‘I’m relieved.’

‘Aagh, was I that much of a drag? I’m sorry,’ I said.

‘No, just the opposite. You were trying so hard not to be a drag that you were like this unnatural hyper bunny,’ she teased. ‘So, what was Edgar like in the flesh? He’s gorgeous.’

I agreed. ‘Tall, powerful, dynamic, charming … he’s got this sort of aura about him – I know that probably sounds stupid but I’m sucked into it completely when I’m with him. It’s like people pivot to him when he enters the room. Know what I mean?’

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