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I nodded my understanding. Edgar and Isabella were both wealthy enough that they didn’t need to subdivide to maintain it. Thrushcross Grange was enormous, it sat within its own parkland and the front door was about three kilometres from the entry gate! I’d passed it a thousand times when driving and riding, it was only about six or seven kilometres away from Wuthering Heights.

‘I love your place, so white and manicured,’ I said, before realising how stupid that probably sounded but it suited the shiny Edgar and Isabella.

‘Yes, that describes it well,’ he laughed. ‘So, wuthering… it means strong winds, stormy atmosphere, doesn’t it?’

I nodded. ‘It’s well-named because where we are located faces north and we are exposed to all the stormy weather – Dad called it our tumultuous atmospheric station,’ I said with a smile, reminiscing about him. ‘The house is strong,’ I assured Edgar.

‘I imagine it would have to be.’ He took another large mouthful of his champagne, almost emptying his flute. ‘So, a kebab hey?’

I shrugged. ‘Well, some nights I swap it for a sandwich.’

‘Of course you do.’ He grinned and then narrowed his eyes. ‘You look like you could do with a good feed. Have you tried Aria? It’s the best restaurant in London, I think – not that I’ve tried every restaurant,’ he added.

I gave him a wry look.

‘What?’ he looked innocent.

‘Edgar, you are funny. I’m a struggling actor. Aria would cost me more than my weekly rent.’ I could have played along and said something sophisticated, but really, what’s the point?

He had the good grace to look embarrassed.

‘I’m an idiot,’he grinned.‘Then allow me to take you there for dinner, my shout. How about this time next week, Tuesday?’ He saw my hesitation. ‘I assure you, I’ll be able to pay my rent afterwards.’

I laughed. ‘Show off. I’d be delighted, thank you.’

He gave a small nod and smiled, and then we were invaded by Isabella and her posse. She was carrying the champagne bottle and had enjoyed quite a few glasses already, no doubt to make sure it was a good vintage. Unlike her brother, Isabella appeared to be a party girl – a little wild, too pretty for her own good and rich too. She insisted on filling my glass up and it overflowed. Everyone was laughing, we had another toast, more photos and selfies were taken and Edgar and I were separated by people wanting to be near him. As soon as I could, I gave Edgar a wave and slipped away, back inside with the pack I felt more comfortable in.

Good job me … I had fifteen exclusive minutes with Edgar Linton—the hottest director in town—and I spoke about his white house and my dietary habits. Oh well, at least that was probably the most down-to-earth conversation he’d get tonight.

More to the point, I had a dinner date with Edgar Linton. It was a date, wasn’t it?

And I’m a girl with a boyfriend, who wanted this film role. I wanted to go to dinner too. Was that wrong? Of course it was, he didn’t ask me just to make sure I was eating three vegetables a day!

This was getting complex.


Entertainment Weekly


Pre-film party the place-to-be as Edgar Linton’s new film fires up

Will this be the cast and crew to deliver another round of accolades to director, Edgar Linton?

By Bonny Hawkins

Studio 12 was the place to be last night as a couple of hundred cast and crew members turned up to enjoy a meet and greet before shooting begins on Edgar Linton’s new film,Between Night and Day.

It was a mixture of the who’s-who, rising stars, new faces, and behind the scene gurus at the party hosted by the director himself. Amongst the crowd was his supermodel sister, Isabella, and her permanent clique, competing with film favourites and leads for Linton’s new film, cast members Travis Taylor and Holly Bale.

Casting director Tamara Langer of TL Casting was there to overlook her choices and while media was not invited, our sources have supplied a selection of behind the scene photos from the pre-party. If the film turns out to be as hot as the party, Linton should be dusting off his tux now for the next awards ceremony.

Seen leaving the party with the hot director wasWyldegirl, Catherine Earnshaw. No news on an official split from her stage star boyfriend, Heath Earnshaw (no relation) but one has to wonder. Also seen leaving together were Travis Taylor and model, Dew Warne, Isabella’s best friend!

Rehearsals begin next week with filming scheduled to start in three weeks.

Chapter 11– Heath, hearth and home
