Page 27 of Taking the Fight

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I rushed after her. “Reagan!”

She raced past Emma and Carter without saying goodbye and took off out the door. I wanted to go after her, but Emma grabbed my arm. “Let her go,” she advised.

It took every ounce of strength in me to do just that. I watched Reagan get in her convertible and leave. “Something’s going on with her. I can feel it.”

Emma sighed. “Good luck trying to figure it out.”

That was for damn sure. One way or another, Iwasgoing to find out what she was hiding.



As I stood in front of the mirror, gazing down at the exquisite royal blue gown, I almost didn’t recognize myself. The dress was strapless with crystal beading all over the bodice, making it glimmer in the light. The slit came up my thigh, and was very sexy but elegant. I was never the type to wear fancy clothes and jewelry; that was my sister and Peyton. However, there was a small part inside me wishing I’d had those opportunities.

Emma was known as a famous model, not only in the United States but across the world. She recently gave it up and was hoping to soon be our local news station meteorologist; that was if they accepted her for the job. We were still waiting on that verdict. She had a face for the camera. The same went for Peyton; her acting career had catapulted her to new heights. With constantly being away filming movies, I wondered if I’d ever really see her again except on the big screen. I missed her. Her life seemed so fascinating. There were days I wished I could live in her shoes for a little while to see what it was like.

I didn’t regret becoming a fighter or agreeing to take over my share of Fightanium when the time came. It was in my blood to take after my father.

Looking over at my clock, it was half-past five. The limo would be arriving in another thirty minutes. I pinned the last of my curls into an updo and put in the diamond earrings I’d borrowed from Peyton. My stomach was in knots, but I was ready to go.

As I reached down to pick up my phone off the bed, it rang.Ethan.

“Hey, brother. Long time no talk. How’s Vegas?” It’d been about a week since I’d heard from him.

“Great,” Ethan replied, sounding a little too happy. I was pretty sure he was drunk. “I wanted to check in to make sure you were doing okay.”

“I’m good.”

“Emma says you started training a female fighter. How’s that going?”

I walked down the hall to the living room and leaned against the couch. “Not bad. It’s only for another week or so. She just wanted to get some basics in.”

“Awesome. You should start coaching during the off-season.”

“Yeah, I think I will,” I replied, smiling. Except my following students were going to be ordinary people, not part of the mafia. “So, when are you coming back? It’s been quiet here.”

Not that I was complaining. I liked having the space to do what I wanted, especially with Ethan and Ripp in Vegas, and my parents on vacation with my uncle Camden and aunt Brooklyn. Plus, Braden’s parents were in Charleston with Peyton. Having six fewer people to deal with every day was lovely. On the other hand, I did miss my parents, but it was their time to enjoy life and see the world. I had no doubt my dad would go hard on my training when he returned.

Ethan chuckled. “I bet it’s been quiet. But to answer your question, I don’t know when Ripp and I are coming back. Vegas is growing on me.”

“Let me guess, you’re having too much fun at the Labyrinth?”

The Labyrinth was an exclusive club owned by our friend, Kase, who had inherited it from a family friend. He gave up his UFC career for it.

“Hey, it has its perks,” Ethan pointed out. “Ripp and I have been signing up for the fights. I never thought I’d enjoy it more than competing.”

Not only was the Labyrinth a dance club, but there was a separate section set up with a fighting ring where newbie fighters could show their stuff. It was a great place to get noticed.

“Well, however long you decide to stay, don’t forget about the rest of us. Don’t do anything stupid like contract an STD while you’re away.”

“I’m so glad you think so highly of me,” he quipped sarcastically.

My doorbell rang and I jerked my head toward the door, my heart stopping. “Ethan, I have to go. Thanks for checking up on me. Don’t get into any trouble.”

I could hear the smile in Ethan’s voice. “I won’t. Be safe, sis. And have fun with Emma on your girls’ trip.”

We hung up and I already knew who was at the door. However, when I opened it, I was wrong; it wasn’t Braden. Instead, it was Finn, dressed flawlessly in a tux with his light brown hair neatly gelled.
