Page 53 of Taking the Fight

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“We’ll try,” I said, nodding toward the back. “Let me walk you out.” I followed her out the door and watched her get in her car and leave.

Reagan started toward me when I got inside but stopped when her phone beeped. Groaning, she pulled it out of her pocket.

“How many times has Sellinger called you today?” I asked, trying not to clench my teeth.

Reagan sighed. “Surprisingly, none. He knows he’ll see me tomorrow.” I hated that she had to go in the first place. She was going to be furious with me when she found out what I did. Reagan peered down at her phone and smiled. “It’s Emma. She wants me to stop by for a few minutes to taste test some wedding cake samples. She’s still trying to figure out what flavors she wants.”

“So, no having fun in the supply room?” I asked.

Giggling, she flung her arms around my neck and kissed me. “Not tonight.”

“Go. I’ll finish up here,” I said, smacking her ass. “Just come to my house when you’re done with Emma.”

Reagan smiled. “It won’t take me long.” She grabbed her gym bag, and I walked with her out of the gym's front door to where she’d parked. Before hopping in her car, she kissed me one more time. “See ya in a few.”

As soon as she left, I scanned the empty parking lot. Yesterday I wanted to beat Finn’s ass for showing up here. But then again, his persistence reminded me of my own. I’d spent years trying to make Reagan mine. So what would it take to get it through his thick fucking skull that she wasn’t interested? The answer: a good, hard kick to the face. Hopefully, I’d get to do that one day soon.

Going back inside the gym, I walked around to make sure everything was where it needed to be. The machines were all off, and everything was disinfected. The only thing left to do was turn off the lights.

I started down the back hall and froze when I heard someone whisper my name. Stopping mid-step, I held my breath and listened, wondering if I’d imagined it. But then, I heard my name again coming from the supply room. It was a seductively feminine voice, but there was one thing I knew for sure … it wasn’t Reagan.

“Look, whoever you are, it’s after hours which means you’re trespassing,” I shouted. “You can either leave right now, or I can call the police.” There was no response which tested my patience. Finally, I stormed to the supply room door and kicked it open. The light from the hallway filtered in, and that was when I saw her, naked and spread wide on the brand-new massage table we had yet to use.

Annika bit her lip and raked her gaze down my body. “Instead of calling the cops, you can come in here and see what I have to offer.” She spread her legs even wider, grinning devilishly.

“How did you get in here?” I demanded.

She shrugged. “The back door. You left it unlocked after you walked Natalie out. Might want to be a little more careful about that.”

“Duly noted,” I growled impatiently. “But it’s time for you to go.”

Annika palmed her tit and pinched her nipple between her fingers. “Don’t you want to have some fun?”

I refused to look at her. “No. Now get dressed.”

Huffing, Annika slid off the table, and once she had her clothes on, she sauntered over to me. “Oh, Braden, I was completely wrong about you.”

“How so?”

She smirked, her hazel eyes twinkling with mischief. “I thought for sure you’d give in to me. Most men do.”

Shaking my head, I moved away from her. “I’m not interested in you, Annika.”

“Yeah, I get that,” she snapped. “It seems your heart belongs to someone else. So imagine my surprise when I heard you with Reagan tonight. You both had me fooled, and let me tell you, I don’t like the feeling. My brother will be interested to know why Reagan keeps turning him down.”

“Is that a threat?”

Annika smiled. “Take it for what it’s worth. I already told Reagan this, but the Sellingers always get what we want.”

“And whatdoyou want?” I countered.

She sidestepped me and strolled to the back door. “You’ll see,” she said in a singsong voice before pushing the door open wide.

As soon as she stepped out, I locked the door behind her. “Fuck,” I hissed.

Pulling out my phone, I called Seth’s number and he answered. “Emerson, what’s going on?”

A long sigh escaped my lips. “Annika snuck into the supply room here at the gym and tried to seduce me.”
