Page 54 of Taking the Fight

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“That doesn’t shock me,” he replied. “Did she succeed?”

“Fuck no!” I snapped. “And if Annika tries to say otherwise, we have cameras here that caught the whole thing.”

“Good. That works.”

“Unfortunately, we have a bigger problem. She knows Reagan and I are together.”

Seth sighed. “Not good. She’ll definitely tell Finn.”

“What will he do?” I asked.

“I’m not sure. I just know not to leave Reagan’s side tomorrow.”

“Thanks. At least, until I can take your place.”

“Does Reagan know what you’re doing yet?” he questioned.

I was hoping to have a good night with Reagan, but I was about to ruin it. “No. I’m going to tell her tonight.”

“Make sure she knows it was your idea and not mine. I wasn’t planning on using you, Ethan, Ripp, or any of the others for my financial gain. My goal was to not have you fight at all.”

“And I appreciate that,” I spoke truthfully. “Surely, though, you can understand why I feel the need to be there with her. If fighting is the only way I can get in, then so be it.”

“I understand. I’m sorry there is no other way.”

“Out of curiosity, who am I fighting?” I wondered.

Seth blew out a breath. “Not sure. It’s one of the Rossi fighters. I’m friends with the Rossi family.”

“What am I fighting for?”

“They have a private island,” he replied. “You’ll be fighting formeto have it.”

Holy shit.“Does that mean I can visit it if I win?”

“I don’t see why not,” he said, chuckling. “You can take Reagan there.”

“And what happens if I lose?”

Seth snorted. “Then I’m out ten million dollars.”

My heart stopped. “Holy fucking shit.”

“Exactly,” Seth replied. “So, you better win.”

When I got home, I poured a double shot of whiskey into a glass and downed it. Reagan was on her way over, and I had no clue how she would handle the news about Annika or my fight tomorrow. She was going to be pissed, that was for sure.

I grabbed the bottle of whiskey, and the doorbell rang before I could pour another shot. Reagan jumped in my arms and kissed me the second the I opened the door, her lips tasting like buttercream icing.

“Did you eat cake on the way here?” I asked, setting her down.

She winked and licked her lips. “I did and it was delicious, too. I saved you some, though.” Reaching down, she grabbed her bag, and on top of it was a clear plastic container with bite-sized cake pieces.

I moved out of the way so she could come in. “Nice. Did you help Emma decide on anything?”

Reagan set the cake on the kitchen counter and smiled. “I did. She and Carter’s wedding cake will be lemon with vanilla icing.” After tossing her bag on the couch, she wrapped her arms around my neck. “I say we go to your room, have some fun, and then come out and eat the rest of the cake.”

The blood rushed to my dick, and more than anything I wanted to spread her wide and fuck her senseless. “As much as I want to do that, there’s something you need to know.”
