Page 74 of Taking the Fight

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We drove behind Mitchell down the private, lush road until we arrived at the one house that was secluded from the rest, perched above an untouched canyon. When we pulled into the driveway, I froze in awe. From left to right, it was all unobstructed views of Santa Monica Bay and Catalina Island.

“Wow,” I breathed, “I’m speechless.”

In the few seconds there, I could see mine and Braden’s life together flash before my eyes. We could watch the sunsets from our private terrace or even from the infinity pool I knew was on the other side of the house. The place was large enough for a family, and I could imagine our kids running around the pristine yard.

Shutting off the car, Braden sat back against his seat. “I’m speechless, too.”

Excitement soared within me. “I think this is going to be the one.” I opened the door and jumped out.

Grinning wide, Mitchell held his arms. “What do you guys think?”

I hurried over to him, and Braden laughed as he got out of the car. “I think you need to get Reagan inside before she breaks down that eight by twelve-foot teak door,” Braden called out.

Chuckling, Mitchell flourished a hand toward the house. “Come on. As you can see,” he said, waving at the architecturally stunning entrance, “this was designed to create warmth and intimacy. It’s very laid back but modern.”

The second we stepped through the door, it felt like home. The whole place was nothing but custom windows that gave you a full-on view of the sea. The thirteen-foot ceilings, white oak floors, and glass walls made me feel like the outside and inside were one. I strolled into the great room that opened to an expansive deck with the oversized infinity pool and cabana.

Braden came up behind me and grabbed me around the waist, pulling me against him. He kissed my neck, and I could hear the smile in his voice. “Is this it?”

I nodded. “Yes, I do believe it is.”

Letting me go, Braden turned to Mitchell. “Contact the sellers. We want to put in an offer.”

Mitchell pulled out his phone. “You got it.”

He walked off to talk to the owners, and I squealed as soon as he was out of earshot. “Do you think they’ll accept?” I asked, jumping into Braden’s arms.

He spun me around and smiled. “Mitchell will make sure they will.” Then, after setting me down, we both stared out at the ocean. “This is only the beginning.”

I sighed. “Yes, it is.”

Unfortunately, we had to get through the weekend before we could get to that beginning.

Our offer was accepted and tomorrow morning we were going to sign the papers to buy our new Malibu home. The feeling was amazing, but sadly, we didn’t get to celebrate. It was nine o’clock, and we finally got the text from Seth saying he was waiting for us at Finn’s house. He was going to be outside to walk us in.

My stomach was in knots, and I could feel the sweat dripping down my back. It wasn’t fear that made me feel like this, but the overwhelming need to make the Sellingers pay. I was impatient to get it over with.

Braden clenched and unclenched his hands on the wheel the entire ride, his face an unreadable mask. He was tense, and so was I. Those who were close to Braden knew he was always a jokester who loved having fun. His hardened exterior with all the tattoos made him look intimidating to those who didn’t know. That was exactly how he appeared tonight. He wasn’t the Braden I saw behind closed doors but the ruthless fighter I knew him to be in the ring. The last time I saw that darkness in him was the night I was almost poisoned. It was as if he was a different person. He and I both knew that was the man he needed to be tonight. Just like I had to focus on my anger against Finn and Annika. That rage was my fuel; it was what was going to help me tear that conniving bitch down.

We were coming up on Finn’s road, and I pointed at it. “You need to turn there. Finn’s house will be about a half-mile down.”

Braden took the road, sliding his foot off the gas to slow our pace. “Are you ready?”

I rolled my shoulders. “Yep. I wish we were fighting tonight. The more I think about this, the angrier I get.”

He huffed. “Yeah, I know. I want to tear Sellinger’s fucking face off.”

The gate was open, and we pulled down the driveway, parking beside Seth’s sports car. Nikolai’s SUV was also in the driveway, along with several others. I opened my car door, but Braden grabbed my hand, halting me.

When I turned to him, my body trembled at his darkened gaze. “I didn’t want to bring this up, but if something happens to me, I want you to run. I can’t stand the thought of the piece of shit in there,”—he growled, jerking his head toward the house—“touching you.”

I squeezed his hand. “It’s going to be okay. Wewillwin.”

“Promise me, Reagan,” he demanded, his voice laced with danger. “I have to hear it.”

It was a promise I couldn’t keep. No matter the cost, I would never leave Braden behind. “I promise,” I said, my heart hurting from the lie. It wasn’t the time or place to tell him otherwise.

Huffing, he let my hand go and hopped out to join Seth, dressed impeccably in a tailored gray suit. Taking a deep breath, I got out of the vehicle just as a sleek pearl-white sports car pulled in behind Seth. I looked at the driver and recognized him immediately.
