Page 75 of Taking the Fight

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“What is Valentin doing here?” I asked, moving over toward Braden.

Seth smiled, but it didn’t last long. “He’s a witness.”

I nodded over at Nikolai’s SUV. “Looks like your brother’s one for Finn.”

Seth’s jaw tightened. “I see that.”

Valentin walked over to Braden and held out a hand. “It’s good to meet you. I’m a big fan. My name’s Valentin Rossi.”

Keeping a stony expression, Braden shook his hand. “Thanks, man.”

Valentin moved his gaze between Braden and me. “I’m here to help in any way I can. It’s best to have a lot of allies.”

I turned my focus to Seth. “I thought you said you weren’t going to start a war over us?”

Seth shrugged. “Yeah, well, I believe in you and Braden, just like I do with your sister and Carter. I envy what you have, and I don’t want to see Sellinger, or my dumb ass brother, take it away.”

Chuckling, Valentin slapped him on the shoulder. “Very poetic, my friend. You trying to earn some good karma or something?”

“Maybe,” Seth said, smiling. “I could use it after all the shit I’ve done.” He gestured toward the house. “Come on. This shouldn’t take long.”

Braden took my hand, and I squeezed it as we walked up to the front door. Finn’s cousin, Marcus, opened the door and ushered us inside where Tanner, Finn’s other cousin, waited for us. Tanner grunted out a few words, which I assumed were to tell us to follow him.

Seth and Valentin strolled through the house with dominance and prestige, their presence powerful. I was glad to have them on our side.

We took one of the long hallways to the back of the house where Tanner stopped outside a closed door. He knocked twice and Finn’s voice echoed from the other side. “Let them come in,” he called out.

Tanner twisted the knob and the door swung open. Seth and Valentin entered first, but I stopped and looked over at Braden, his hand still in mine. Jaw clenched, he nodded and I did the same back. Were we ready? I was about to find out.

Letting his hand go, I watched him march in and I went behind him. The room was a large sitting area with two brown leather couches that faced each other, built-in bookshelves on all the walls, and there was a large window that overlooked the mountains. The Persian rug on the floor was no doubt worth more than my car. If I had a drink, I would’ve made sure to spill it.

Finn stood in the middle of the room with his father beside him. I met Finn’s gaze briefly before focusing on Annika, who was sitting on the couch and raking her predatory stare over Braden. Her breasts were about to pop out of her red dress, but Braden paid her no mind, which pissed her off, if the scowl on her face was any indication. Beside her was a middle-aged man with salt and pepper hair and a laptop. Then, in the corner was Nikolai, his leer directed at me. And on the table between the couches was a piece of paper—thecontract.

“Shall we get down to business?” Finn said. He motioned toward the other couch, but neither Braden nor I moved.

Braden glared at him. “We’ll stand.”

Finn held up his hands. “Suit yourself. The contract is on the table.”

Seth reached for the contract and read through it before handing it over to Valentin. I was curious to know what was in it. When Valentin finished, Seth handed it to me and Braden, his voice low. “It’s vague. Lots of areas open to interpretation.”

I moved closer to Braden so we could read it together. It was a standard contract with easy terms, but Seth was correct; there were a lot of gray areas.

Braden huffed and tossed the contract back onto the table. “You expect me to sign that?”

Tensing, Finn glared at him. “You know what happens if you don’t.”

Braden met Finn’s challenging glare. “No weapons. That needs to be added. I know how your people like to pussy out using knives, razors, poison,” he spat, staring over at Annika with disgust before turning back to Finn, “or whatever the fuck you think you can use to get ahead, but not this time. We fight with just our fists.”

Finn didn’t waver; he held his head high and nodded. “Fine. Warren, will you add that in, please?” The guy on the couch, who I figured was Warren, typed away and looked up at Finn when he was done. “Anything else?” Finn asked.

“Yes,” I hissed low, “I want it added that when Braden and I win our fights, we will be safeindefinitelyfrom you and your people.”

Seth stepped forward. “And if anything were to happen to Mr. Emerson or Ms. Jameson that I find questionable, we will retaliate with force. My father stands behind this.”

By the look of shock on Paul Sellinger’s face, I could tell he wasn’t expecting that. Neither was I. The blood rushed from Finn’s face, and the room fell silent, except for Nikolai.

He stormed over, his gaze murderous. “What the hell is that shit?”
