Page 48 of Building Home

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Sitting here in the ambulance, the area is swarming with people, and now the media, yet I am dazed, the noise not quite reaching my ears. Jake hasn’t left my side, even though he is needed in multiple different places. The paramedic looks over me, taking my vitals and stopping the flow of blood that is seeping from a large cut in my head. Jake is standing next to me, talking to what I assume are his Boston brothers that he has spoken about before and an agent from the FBI.

Richard’s body was taken off the plane and is now enroute to the nearest hospital. He is badly injured from Jake's hands, but still alive. While I am pleased Jake’s actions tonight didn’t result in death, I am hopeful Richard has learned his lesson. If not, I think he will have a few years behind bars to think about it.

The other men who were with Richard, I have learned, are two of America’s most wanted due to their involvement with human trafficking. That thought makes me shiver and brings me back to reality with a thud. How things can change from one side of the coin to the other so quickly scares me. Tonight, I was working at a gala dinner to raise funds for human trafficking victims, to now escaping literally minutes before being a victim of the exact same crime myself. It is hauntingly terrifying, and I am not sure if it is something I will ever get over.

“Mam, we would like to take you to the hospital for overnight observation.” I look at the paramedic and give him a small nod. I don’t particularly like hospitals after taking dad to so many appointments before he died, but I will go willingly to ensure I am okay.

Jake looks quickly at me as the paramedics get me settled on the bed and strap me in for the drive. He turns back to his brothers and the agent, shakes their hands, then gets into the ambulance and takes a seat right next to me, not once letting go of my hand.

The doors shut, and we begin to drive away.

“How do you feel, baby girl?” he asks, his face full of concern. It is the first time we have spoken since he arrived, the shock overpowering us all.

“I’m okay,” I say to reassure him, but I wince as the van hits a bump in the road, realizing that my ribs are killing me. Actually, now that the shock is wearing off, my whole body aches.

“How did you know where to find me?”

Jake huffs out a small laugh and drops his head. Shaking it, he lifts his eyes and looks at me.

“I didn’t. We had to land at this airport due to the weather, and we had no idea you were here until we landed. Just pure luck. Because if we had landed at the other airport, you would be halfway to Rus…” He stops, not being able to finish the sentence. He closes his eyes and rubs his hand over his face.

I gently squeeze the other. I have no words because he is right. Although I was fighting tooth and nail not to get on that plane, there was no way I could overpower three grown men. Sure, dad taught me self-defense, and I proved tonight I can handle myself, but only after the other men were taken care of. I can take on one man, and it was a body I was familiar with, so I knew what areas to hit to inflict the most pain. Thank God the pilot wasn’t briefed on being part of an actual kidnapping and bolted from the plane before even starting the engines. Had he turned a blind eye and Jake not turned up when he did, I would be in the air on the way to Russia by now.

The thought sends a cold shiver through my body, and Jake holds me tighter. We are both aware of how things could have easily gone a different way tonight. I close my eyes and try to breathe through the pain I am now feeling.

“You know, baby girl, I have no doubt that your daddy was the one that helped me get to you tonight. He used his powers up in heaven and made sure I found you.”

At his words, a tear runs from my eyes, because I believe it too. I know my dad was watching us both tonight. Others may call it divine intervention, but we both know exactly who was responsible.

Jake leans over and kisses me softly. Lifting his head a little, he stares into my tear-filled eyes. “You are it for me, Belle. I never thought I would meet a woman so perfect, so strong, so beautiful. I don’t ever want to let you go, baby girl. I want you in my life, now and forever.”

My throat is dry, my body aches, but this man makes my heart race like no one ever before. The tears continue to fall slowly down my cheeks as I look at him, taking in his chiseled jaw, stern eyes, and powerful aura.

“Well, that’s good, because I wasn’t planning on leaving your side ever again. Whether in Hancock, D.C., or Boston, I want to be with you. Always.”

“Pinkie promise?” he says with a small grin on his face, holding up his pinkie finger.

“Pinkie promise”.

Jake - 12 months later

I push open the door and make my way through the crowded diner. I thought the lunch time rush would be over by now, but it is just as busy at 3pm as it is at midday. I spot Belle chatting and laughing with Maria behind the counter, and as I look around, I see most patrons enjoying her fresh raspberry pie. She must have whipped that up when she got here this morning, knowing that had she made it at home, there wouldn’t be any left for her to bring today. It is my favorite.

I stand, watching her for a moment, and I wonder how I got so lucky. But I know it wasn’t luck, it was all Danny.

Belle bought the diner about a month after the incident in D.C. last year. After everything that happened, the media frenzy was intense for her, me, and the boys. She promptly sold her D.C. business to Kelly but kept the building as an investment. Her mother moved in with Brian permanently, and they also sold the family home.

Belle and her mother repaired their relationship. After everything that happened to Belle, her mother was more than willing to do anything to fix things—not wanting to lose the only other family member she had left.

After settling things in D.C., Belle moved to the cabin and now calls Hancock home and her mother visits regularly.

I haven’t left Belle’s side since that night. I stayed with her in D.C., helped her sell the family home, and spent time with her, her mother, and Kelly. We then spent a few weeks in Boston, and spent some much-needed time with my boys and their families. No surprise that Belle fits in perfectly, and her and Molly are now thick as thieves. Both not having siblings, they are as close as sisters.

We then both moved to Hancock permanently. I am still security advisor to the Marshall family, but I have built up my team well enough that I work remotely from my cabin in Hancock for 80% of the year.

Belle moved in with me, and together we renovated the diner. Now called Danny’s, it is the talk of the town. Brand new furnishing, amazing food, and a friendly atmosphere, it is exactly what the town needed. Belle loves it and is now making all sorts of amazing food from our kitchen at home or here in the diner.

Danny would be proud.
