Page 54 of My Destiny

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Enrolling in a degree of education was a no-brainer for me after spending so much time with Leo. For the past year, I have been either here at home with my family or at school in lectures, and now, I am well on my way to becoming a fully qualified teacher. Every three months, Dante takes me to see Doctor Wakeford for a scan of my breasts and blood tests. It isn’t medically necessary, but he is being cautious and protective, so I let him. After everything we've been through, we have no secrets and tell each other everything. We both trust Doctor Wakeford with our lives, but unfortunately, she is moving down to Philly. She was a bit cagey when I asked her about it, so I didn’t pry, but I will miss her. She has become a wonderful friend.

I sit back, stretching my arms high above my head, trying to remove the pain in my upper shoulders as Maria comes by and places another plate of food in front of me.

“Oh, Maria, really, I am okay. You don’t need to look after me.” She is no longer the housekeeper, but our full time Nona, taking on a grandparent role and spending time with us all at home with no expectation of her having to cook or clean, even though she still does.

“Hush, Bella. If I don’t feed you, you don’t eat!” she huffs out at me, before kissing the top of my head and walking back out to the kitchen. I love her, I really do.

I grab a cookie from the plate in front of me and look at the mess I have created. I have books and notebooks, along with highlighters and pens, all strewn from one end of the dining table to the other. You cannot see the table from the mess.

I put my head back down and after another 30 minutes, I am done. Proud of my efforts, I save my document and smile.

I did it!

Dante believed in me every step of the way, knowing that I really wanted to make something of myself. He has supported me through it all. Ensuring I have everything I need; I get driven to and from the university, he lets me use Leo for case studies, and provides many stress relievers along the way.

As I close my laptop and tidy up the papers, I look around the house and am puzzled with how quiet it is. No Maria. No Leo. And Dante is nowhere to be seen. In fact, I haven't seen him for hours, yet I thought he said he would be home all day today.

I decide to leave the rest of the packing up for later and stand, stretching my legs.

“Leo?” I call out, to no response.

“Dante?” I yell, but hear nothing.

I pad down the hallway, admiring our beautiful home. It took most of the year to renovate, but we are now back into the original space in the compound; however, it has an entirely different floor plan, a new color scheme, and new decor. Dante asked Leo and I to make the decisions, as he wanted the space to feel safe for us both after Angelina came here, and we had so much fun with it. I even had our bathroom painted bright blue, like the waters of Sicily. An artist from Maddison’s gallery connections came in and painted his boat on the water to remind Dante of his love of his home country—a place he says he will take me to again as soon as all my exams are over, and I can’t wait. Sicily is now our frequent holiday destination. I reach his office and look inside, expecting him to be behind his desk, his head buried in papers, but it is also empty.

“That’s odd,” I murmur to myself, because I am sure he didn’t leave the house this morning.

I walk back through the dining room again, to the other side of the house toward our bedrooms, figuring Leo is probably in his room, playing. I stop by his room and poke my head in. “Leo?” I call out, and there is no answer. The room is spotless, and he is not here.

Feeling a little uneasy, because it is so quiet, I spin quickly and walk down the hall to our room. I open the door and push through, stopping dead in my tracks.

“Dante?” I say quietly, as shock stills my body and the blood drains from my face.

Dante clears his throat, before my eyes sweep around the room.

Rose petals are on nearly every surface, candles are lit around the room, and Dante and Leo are standing side by side in matching black tuxedos, their hands clasped in front of them like soldiers. Only Leo is grinning from ear to ear and elbowing his father.

I look back to Dante, and my gaze softens.

“Little Red. Annie. My Bella,” he starts, before clearing his throat again, and I realize he is nervous. I have never seen Dante nervous before; he is usually so stoic. My chest warms as I watch him squirm a little. I take a few steps closer, my heart pounding, and my lips are dry as I watch him, waiting for his next words.

“It has been over a year since I slammed you into the pavement on your first morning here in New York, and I have no idea how I ever lived without you. I knew from that moment, you were different, and I never wanted to let you go. We have been through so much, and I want you more and more every day. I can’t stand the thought of never being together. I love you. You are my everything. You have given me life. Us life,” he says, taking a quick look down at Leo who is standing by his side, his grin now even wider. “So..” He stops for a moment as both he and Leo bend down on one knee, both presenting me with black velvet boxes. They open them at the same time. In Leo’s is a sparkling diamond heart necklace that shimmers in the lights. Dante’s box holds a ring, a large bright solitaire diamond, bigger and more sparkly than I ever thought possible, and I lose my breath.

“Will you give us the honor of being our everything, always?” he proposes, looking directly at me. “Be my wife, Annie, let’s have forever together?”

I never thought this would happen. I never thought I would have anyone other than myself.

“Yes. Yes, I will forever be yours,” I say as my eyes start to water. “Both of yours.” I look at Leo, who fist bumps the air and rushes to me, slamming his little body into me. Dante slips the ring on my finger, standing and kissing me before hugging us both.

“Forever mine,” Dante whispers into my neck as he pulls me close, and the three of us stand together. My life is now finally complete.
