Page 8 of Sabrina's Manster

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Neither of us really knows what we’re doing, but no matter what the DJ puts on, we keep dancing away, a smile perpetually plastered on my face that I don’t know how to get rid of. Eventually, the music starts to quiet down, a few people leave, and we find ourselves back at the snack table, a drink of water in each of our hands as we both catch our breaths.

“That was the most fun I’ve had in… forever,” I admit with a laugh.

“Same,” Alastair says, his dimpled smile still showing. I’m starting to realize just how intoxicating his smile is and rather than the drink, I’m getting drunk off of him. “I had a lot of fun, too. You’re a great dancer, by the way.”

“I’ve learned a thing or two from my Latina friends,” I reply proudly, thinking back on my college years and the great people I met there—some whom I still call friends and see often. I think back on that, on new people, old people, and relationships. The relationships that shape our lives, that mark a before and after.

And I don’t think I’ve ever really believed in magic, but right now, I have to believe in something, because I’ve never felt so connected to someone I only just met.


As Sabrina speaks and her smile keeps on making the room shine, I feel more and more lost within her.

It’s like this woman is a beacon of light, such a simple but lovable woman. Everything that’s come out of her mouth tonight has been encouraging words, good comments about people around us, about the party, about life. She feels like a ray of sunshine, and I’m trapped within, hoping I can bask in her light forever.

So, when the party starts to quiet down and we’re almost the only ones left, sitting now on a table to one side, eating some more, and drinking some fresh orange juice, an idea pops in my head that makes my eyes widen.

An idea that seems almost wild, and nuts.

Like I’m losing my mind.

Like I'm taking a simple night too far.

However, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that I never want to lose this feeling I earned today. This feeling of being seen, of belonging, of finding someone I can share my deepest self with a smile in return. It’s only been two hours and for some reason, I feel as if my insides know it’s her.

Though just in case things don’t work out, I go back to the safest plan first, though.

“I know you said you’re a real estate agent,” I say, trying to sound casual. “And as I mentioned earlier, I do a lot of investment around that area. So… would you mind giving me your card? That way, I can have someone trustworthy to turn to next time,” I add, even though I already have a guy I’ve been working along with for years.

Sorry Jeff, nothing personal.

“Of course,” Sabrina replies, grabbing a card from her purse and passing it over to me.

I look at it briefly before saving it in my wallet, feeling hopeful to know that even if we both go our separate ways tonight, I’ll still have a way to reach out to her in the future. Even if it’s just to discuss business.

So then, braving it out, I play my second card. The one that matters.

“You know, I…” I can feel my cheeks heating up, but I swallow any doubts and speak regardless. I know she’s worth the shot. “I hope this is not completely inappropriate, but it seems like the party's about to end,” I say motioning to the few people around us and the catering team already clearing the tables. “I was wondering if you’d like to maybe have another drink with me.”

I think I stopped breathing as I waited for her reaction. Usually, my rather confident exterior excels all things back in the days and yet, I can’t even seem to grasp how to form proper sentences around her right now.

Is she blushing?

“Oh,” she exclaims, eyes widening ever so slightly. For a moment, I thought she was going to tell me she was taken but the whole night, she never did mention she had anyone else either. It’s then she bites her lips, brushing her long hair back with a smile. “Really?”

“Yes,” I reply, wincing at how fast I had answered out of the sheer excitement of spending more time with her. “I haven’t had much tonight on purpose so I could drive, but… I have a lovely bar at home, and a view I know you’ll love…. what do you say?”

Sabrina bites her bottom lip before replying, and then she smiles again, the room lighting up with her.

“I think that’s a good idea… I’ve been really enjoying our conversation, and the night is still young,” she replies and I think my heart goes into overdrive. Really, I’m doing a happy dance as I try to fight off the brimming smile on my face.

“I have my car outside in the parking lot. Did you drive? You could follow me if you want, or if you feel safer that way,” I add with a childish grin. At this point, I don’t think I want tonight to ever end when it comes to Sabrina.

Honestly, she seems like the perfect woman and I’m only baffled why she isn’t accounted for.

Well, notyet.

“No, I got a ride. If you don’t mind, I’ll send them a message to let them know I’m not going back home, and where I’ll be. After all, a woman can never be too careful,” she huffs a chuckle. There’s an apologetic look on Sabrina’s face, so I shake my head, trying to convey that it’s perfectly fine with me.
