Page 7 of Sabrina's Manster

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“Oh, I…” He blushes a little and then waves a hand in the air as if dismissing what he’s about to say. “I got lucky. I always loved finances and reading about the markets and all that, but I studied engineering instead. I guess I got very propitious because, after years of work, I sold a tech start-up for a lot of money. Since then, I’ve been investing that and growing in every way that I can.”

“Well, that doesn’t sound like luck to me, but a well-thought-out plan that worked out better than expected,” I reply honestly. “Something like luck would be winning the lottery or some sort of trust fund, you know? Though from what you told me it’s hard work paying off.”

Oh God, I’m rambling.

However, he smiles so wide that I can’t help but blush at how perfect even his teeth are with the most adorable dimples. It’s strange just how much power Alastair seems to have over me without even trying anything.

“Thanks, that means a lot. A lot of people think I got everything in an unfair way when I guess I did actually work very hard to get to where I am today,” he acknowledges, placing his hands into his pockets for a moment. “It’s been a while since I thought of it like that.”

“May I ask what you do now?”

“I do everything from real estate investment to cryptocurrency nowadays. However, what I like the most, is investing in small startups that no one believes in,” he says and there’s a twinkle in his eyes. “I like to help people with their dreams and find small companies I can help grow. It’s what I got the most pleasure out of, the rest is almost like a game. Hence why I loved helping Calvin with this party, I think Wyoming entrepreneurs should get all the help we can give them.”

“Oh wow,” I breathe out.

“Sorry, am I boring you?” he asks sheepishly. “I tend to get lost when it comes to these things.”

“Not at all,” I reply quickly. “If you don’t mind…I would love to hear about your latest project.”

After that, Alastair tells me more about his life, how he got to where he is, and he talks a lot about his sister. There’s a rather fond look on his face whenever he explains how hard she worked for everything she wanted, too, having now one of the biggest catering companies in Wyoming—but having come from a small bakery he helped her paint with his own hands.

He’s such a proud older brother, which is lovely to see. And I don’t see a ring on his finger, which gets my insides tingling as I think back on the spell. Alastair fits the spell. He’s got tanned skin and dark hair; he’s very handsome, and he’s got money.

Could this be it?

There’s only one thing I have my doubts about—even if it’s a silly detail.

“Can I ask you a question?” I say after we’ve been chatting for a long while. “I know this is a costume party, and most of the guests are all dressed up. Well, and you’re one of the organizers…so…how come you’re not?”

I mean, he’s got a simple black suit with a white shirt, no tie. A bit casual, but not a distinctive costume of anything I can think of, unless he’s dressed up as his working self. I mean, I just love a man that loves to dress up, that knows how to have fun.

A shy smile creeps up his face, but then he smiles widely.

“I’m dressed up as a future dad,” he says.

“A future dad?” I repeat, cocking a single eyebrow before double blinking.

“Yes, I thought… You know… I don’t know what I was thinking, really, no one knows what I’m dressed as,” he adds finally, blushing a bit. “I guess it was hopeful thinking,” he adds a little quieter, so quiet I barely hear it.

“That’s okay, it’s a nice costume, I guess,” I reply, trying to sound hopeful. I mean, it’s an odd answer, but it does answer something for me. This is the first time I’ve ever felt this sort of way towards anyone though I’m not sure if it’s because of the drinks talking either.

However, I can’t help but wonder if Alastair could be my dream guy? My Perfect Man?

The future father of my kids?

Is it strange I can already hear the church bells ringing?

After that, we chat for another bit, sharing bits of my life with him, my plans, my dreams, and his. It does seem like we both always dreamed about a numerous family, and it’s nice to know I’m not the only one. I often feel like I’m running out of time, like the clock is ticking and I need to hurry up if I don’t want to miss out.

However, right here and now, I’m simply enjoying this moment and forgetting about the biological clock ticking for a while. Instead, I do what my friends always urge me to do, and I get a little bit farther out of my comfort zone.

“Would you like to dance?” I ask Alastair. I usually only dance with the people I know, but I almost feel like I know him already. The spark I feel with him paired then with the bubbly excitement is almost too much for me.

“Of course, I would love to,” Alastair replies. “I’ve always been told I have some of the best moves.”

I giggle at his joke before he takes my hand into his.

And so, we go to the dance floor, a party tune blasting all around us as Alastair shows me his moves. And Gods, the way he’s swaying his hips, I think I’m about to burst into flames any minute. I’m glad for the people all around us, for the atmosphere that’s gone full-on party mode because my cheeks are red and I feel sweaty all over as we dance and dance. We dance hand in hand as Alastair swirls me around, we shimmy, and we even attempt to dance some rumba.
