Page 41 of Always Her Cowboy

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“If it bothered you that much, why marry me in the first place?” I finally let the question fly that’s circled in my mind for months.

“Because I thought what we had would be enough.”

“Stop causing trouble for Daphne. This is the last time I’ll ask nicely.”

“Shouldn’t you know what it might be like for you to date a celebrity?”

“Why are you playing games?” I stop and step in her path, forcing her to do the same.

“So you can see reason! Brax has a stable life with me. Two parents in a home, a consistent schedule—.”

“He’s doing just fine—.”

“Chaze has a job opportunity in another state that’ll double what he makes, and I’m pregnant.”

The information is a bomb exploding in my face.

“You live in a small apartment, work long hours, rely on your family to help with child-rearing, and as we’ve seen from this unfortunate situation, your new girlfriend creates a complication to my child’s quality of life and safety. I wonder what a judge would think about that.”

“Are you threatening me?” I ask.

“I’m warning you about what’s coming.”

Turning away from her, I retrace my steps before I say or do something I can’t take back. My heart is in my throat. This was a setup; she’s trying to build her case to take my son. It wasn’t enough to break the family. She wants to fully dismantle it and rebuild her own. I’ll die before I let that happen.

“Newton.” I ignore her cries as I stalk toward the car, mentally preparing for the war I know is coming.

Ten minutes later, I’m pulling up outside my mother’s home. I need her sharp mind and woman’s opinion to fill the areas I might miss. I’ll need a leg to stand on if I want to fight her. Mind full, I unlock the door, spotting her through the open concept in the kitchen.

“Laurels making her move; she wants full custody of Brax to relocate for a new job position Chaze received.”

“What?” Mom leaps up from her seat. “That’s not going to happen.”

“I should go.” I’m startled into momentary silence when Daph steps into view.

“No. This involves you too. Laurel admitted she was behind the article in the magazine, though not in so many words.”

“What? Why?” Her brow dips.

“To show what an unfit environment I’ve created for Brax.”

“I cannot be the reason you lose, Brax.” The blood drains from Daph’s face.

“You won’t be.”

“How can you say that? Look at what she was already willing to do. You have no clue how much worse this could become.”

“So I let her win?”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Enough. I refuse to let Laurel ruin things again.”

“Mom?” I whisper, taken back by the venom in her voice.

“I don’t know what happened between the two of you. I never asked because it wasn’t my place. But the direction the two of you were headed in was clear to everyone. Then suddenly, you bring Laurel into the picture, and everything changed.” Mom sighs.

“She changed you little by little. Putting thoughts into your head and pushing you into a lifestyleshewanted. I know you never did.
