Page 40 of Always Her Cowboy

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My ex-wife is a creature of habit. Tracking her down was the easiest part of what needed to come next. Exiting the truck, I make my way into the nature park. Formulating my words, I walk the length, seeking out the blonde. I spot her in a set of lilac joggers and a matching sports bra.

“Laurel,” I yell to be heard over her earbuds. She turns, and her mouth forms an o as I jog over to her.

“New? Is something wrong with Brax?”

“No.” I hold out my hand. “He’s fine. I just wanted to talk.”

She blinks, and her fake lashes flutter. “Okay?” Her forehead dips down slightly. Botox is slowly stealing away her ability to express herself fully.

“Let’s walk. I don’t want to ruin your routine.”

Nodding, she restarts her clipped pace. “You want to tell me why you set us up the other day.”

Laurel laughed. “Something goes wrong with your new little princess, and you come for me? How uninspired.”

“You’ve made your displeasure about the situation known from the moment we reconnected.”

Her lips curl up into a sneer. “Am I not allowed to have opinions now, New?” Her high ponytail swings violently as she shakes her head.

“Did I say that?”

“Seems like that’s where your baseless accusations span from. Your anger over the fact that I don't like that little tart.”

I laugh. “I think you misunderstand the meaning of that insult. Let me advise you to look in the mirror.”

She sputters. “Look how she brings out the worst in you. We’ve been civil—.”

“No. I’ve been civil for our son’s sake. And because of that, you got away with what you did. I never forced you to look at the destruction you caused our son and me.”

“Oh, come on, it’s been—.”

“A year and a half. Is that your lame excuse? We’ve been together for over half our lives, and you left me like I meant nothing. Do you know how much of a cold-hearted bitch you must be to do that?”

“I was miserable!”

“And yet you never expressed that.” I refuse to give an inch.

“You should’ve known.”

“How could I when you pretended everything was fine while stepping out on me behind my back with my best friend, Laurel!” My voice raises, and she flinches.

“You were never home—.”

“I was trying to provide you with the lifestyle you wanted. You had to have the bigger house and the newest car while putting Brax in a ton of activities. You were a stay-at-home mom. Where did you think the money was going to come from?”

“We agreed on that when we got married.”

“Which is why you never heard me complain. I just did what was necessary to fund our life.” Gritting my teeth, I mentally count to ten.

“But I’m not here to talk about that bullshit. At this point, I could care less how you and Chaze happened. I’m happy to have two toxic liars who hide under the guise of trusted friend and lover out of my life.”

She gaps. “I’m here to ask you about Daphne.”

“Look at how hard you fight for her. You never did that for me,” She croaks. “That passion and ferocity never extended to me. “

“You were my wife. You had my child. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for you. You hated her for having a different connection to a childhood friend? I can barely remember a time before she was in my life. That protectiveness I held for her was natural and engrained. We never dated. I had no plans of leaving you for her at any point in our relationship.”

“But she still held a part of you I couldn’t have.”
