Page 75 of Abstract Passion

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I pass my bouquet to Cora, then Devlyn and I turn slightly toward the minister. The next few minutes pass by in a haze of watery eyes and white noise. The minister reads the wedding script he has undoubtedly read hundreds of times prior. Every now and again, I catch a word or two, but otherwise drown out his voice.

Instead, I focus on Devlyn.

My husband.

Technically, we are already married. Hours ago, the minister went to each of our dressing rooms and had us sign the marriage license. During and after the ceremony, many things get lost in translation or forgotten. When we hired him, he told us of the few times couples forgot to sign, too swept up in the moment.

Devlyn’s fingers weave and stroke and warm my own as he holds my gaze. His green irises bright and glassy under the setting sun. A burnt-orange glow highlighting his skin.

The minister quiets. Devlyn releases one of my hands, digs in the inside breast pocket of his jacket, and retrieves a slip of paper.

His vows.

He breathes deeply and swallows before my favorite smile dons his lips. And as his lips part to speak, I block out everyone but him.

“Shelly… my Andromeda.” His smile brightens infinitesimally. “A warm October day, more than two years ago, was the first time I saw you. The dazzling blonde who peeked through the windows of a flower shop. For days, I denied myself the sight of you. But it wasn’t long before I caved. You’d seen me and I you, but we’d never spoken a word.” He takes another breath and licks his lips. “And then I saw you again. In a bar, yelling your love for Karaoke Grandpa.”

At this, the majority of the wedding party, including myself, bursts out in laughter. Several seated guests appear bewildered, but most smile or shake their head.

“Bars have never been my scene, but a friend was in town and we went out to catch up.” Devlyn briefly glances over his shoulder to Chet. “Had I not seen you that night, I may not have had the urge to call Elizabeth. To insist on touching up the mural I’d painted the previous year.” Devlyn looks up from his paper, a small half smile softening his expression. “You see, you’d already been my muse. The woman in the window.” Subtly, he shakes his head. “I didn’t know your name, but I knewyou.” He presses the heel of his palm to the center of his chest. “Here. And as much as I tried to fight it, I needed to know you more. Even if I was just a friend.”

I roll my eyes and Devlyn laughs.

“Shelly, you were never just a friend. Not one second. From the very start, you’ve always been more. It was me who needed time to learn this.” Paper still in his hand, Devlyn takes hold of my free hand once more. “Thank you for loving me. Thank you for putting up with my stubbornness early on. For giving me another chance.” His eyes dart to my parents and his dad in the front row, Desirée drooling in Mom’s lap. “And thank you for giving me something I never thought I’d have… a family. I love you, Shelly Nicole Reed. And I will love you every day of forever.”

Over my shoulder, Cora hands me a tissue. I tip my head back and blot my eyes.

Cora and Autumn warned me about this moment. Listening to the person you love as they confess the biggest reasons for loving you. Sounds simple when said aloud, but hearing it while loved ones watch and listen… cue the messy, happy tears.

Once my tears seem to be under control, I stow the tissue in my dress and retrieve my own piece of paper. I stare down at the scribbled words and question the vows I’d written days ago. Compared to Devlyn’s confession, my vows seem small.

I close my eyes and fill my lungs fully, opening my eyes on the exhale. Devlyn’s thumb paints small circles on my hand. His eyes locked with my own. It is him and me and no one else in this moment.

“Devlyn… theartist.” Behind me, Cora snorts. “If you asked my closest friend, she’d tell you, without hesitation, how I rambled on aboutthe artistafter you painted the first mural. She’d tell you how I talked about you for weeks. The guy I couldn’t stop sneaking a peek at. God, the front of the shop had never been so pristine.” At this, Elizabeth chuckles in the crowd. “That display window got so much love that week.” I pause and hold his green irises for three quiet breaths. “Because I just knew… I didn’t know who you were, didn’t ask for your name, didn’t say one word to you, but I knew.”

Plucking the tissue from my dress, I blot my eyes again.

“And then you reappeared a year later. Your warm smile and addictive eyes. The way you looked at me… I couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t form intelligible speech, which is miraculous for anyone who knows me well.” Chuckles float around us. “But more than anything, I couldn’t stay away.”

At this, Devlyn squeezes my hand. His silent way of reciprocating the feeling.

“Devlyn, my life was monotonous before you. I had love, but nothing compared to the love you give. I had family, but not like the family we created together.” I inch closer to him and tighten my hold on his hand. “Loving you is effortless. The most natural thing I have ever done. Life and love didn’t make sense before you. I’d read about love, the type that steals every thought and breath and moment, but I’d never felt it firsthand. And I wholeheartedly believe it was because I’d been waiting for you.” The backs of my eyes sting as my vision blurs. “I love you, Devlyn James Templar, more than I have loved anyone. And as long as there is air in my lungs and a heartbeat in my chest, I will love you. Always.”

The paper in my hand falls to the ground as I step forward, ritual be damned, and press my lips to his. Devlyn frames my face with his hands and kisses me back with equal fervor. The minister says something and cheers erupt around us. But neither of us moves to break the kiss. Lost in each other, we kiss until we are breathless.

And when we break apart, the world finally levels out. Colors are brighter, bolder, more vibrant. Life is warmer, fuller, more passionate. And love… it isn’t just something I read about anymore. Love is this living, breathing force. Powerful and daring. Strong and profound. Abstract and impassioned.

Mom walks to us and hands over a wiggly Desirée. She kisses my cheek and congratulates us.

And there, in front of the most important people in my life, I feel whole. Fortunate. Loved.

* * *
