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Nora lay on Jack’s couch, the man in question hovering over her, his hands slowly exploring the contours of her body as he kissed her softly.

Best. Date. Ever.

She couldn’t quite believe her luck. Not that luck had anything to do with this. Nope. This man … Jack Hayes … cooked for her, and after hearing what made her love life a little bit more difficult, he hadn’t asked her to leave.

Instead of expressing serious disgust for the fact that she was a virgin, Jack had taken things slow with her. He hadn’t looked at her like something was wrong with her; he hadn’t bolted for the door or asked her to leave.

He pressed her down into the couch, putting himself between her and the door, her and her past. It was better than anything Nora had imagined all of these long years obsessing over Jack.

His lips moved against her neck before kissing behind her ear, bringing her back to this amazing moment. It was the kind of evening she would never forget. The kind of night she wanted to remember forever.

Jack continued to kiss every inch of her face and neck. “Do you like that?” he asked.

“Yes,” she sighed, arching off the sofa to grind her hips against him. It was purely instinctual. An urge burned inside her, and she wanted to satiate it, knowing only Jack would be the one to quell it within her.

“Do you like it because it feels good or because you’re grinding?”

She giggled. “Good point. I don’t know.”

He pinned her hips into the cushions before lifting his hips off her. He repeated the line of kisses on her neck and cheeks, speaking softly into her ear. “Do you still like it?”

“It feels like I’m on fire,” she answered.

He chuckled. “That’s a good sign.” He pressed his mouth to her neck again, kissing it before nibbling softly.

“Who knew teeth and biting could be so sexy?” she moaned, once again realizing that her hips were seeking him out.

Thankfully, he knew what she needed and brought his body down again so she could rub against him. This was by far the most exploring she had ever done, but there was no hint or sign of the shame and nerves she usually felt.

All there was on that couch was her and Jack.

It was amazing. It was everything she had ever wanted, and she never wanted it to end.

“If I go too fast or too far, you tell me, Nora,” he murmured as his hand traveled up her thigh and under the hem of her dress. He continued to push up until his fingers grazed the soft material of her underwear.

He ran his knuckles along her moist heat, hissing a breath. “Nora,” he groaned.


“You still okay?”

“Don’t stop,” she pleaded. “Just don’t stop.”

“You like this, then?” he continued to move his digits up and down her slit through the wet lace of her panties.

Nora wanted to nod. She wanted to let him know she liked everything he did to her. She wanted desperately to tell him that he could do whatever he wanted to her. Not because she was a foolish and trusting fool, but rather because she could feel how sincere Jack was. He wouldn’t hurt her, and he wouldn’t let any harm come to her. It was written in the gentle caresses he used to melt her defenses.

“Jack,” she sighed, shivering when he pushed aside the material of her underwear to gain better access to her core.

“Hush, love. You just need to lie there and feel. If there is anything you don’t like, if there’s anything you need to say, you say it. Understand?” His fervent words made her shiver with anticipation again.

“Just touch me, Jack. That’s all I want right now.”

He grinned. “And what kind of man would I be if I denied you?”

Without further waiting … and his eyes still hooked on hers … he parted her slick folds with his fingers. His questing digits completely avoided her untouched entrance and the tight bundle of nerves at the apex of her thighs, and it was by design. Nora couldn’t be certain, given that she had so little experience in this kind of thing, but she could tell he was teasing her because she felt very much teased. Her control and composure were wound tightly, and it would break in the best way possible if Jack continued touching her.

“That’s right, love,” Jack coaxed as he continued to trace every heated and moist inch of her core.
