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She grinned and pointed at something over his shoulder. “Why in the heck would I run in the opposite direction when we are finally at our destination.” Her smile widened. “Look behind you, Jack.”



Jack finally turned and began to laugh when he spotted the strange rock formation rising from a break in the trees.

“A lot of people say that this is a fairy ring.”

“A fairy ring?” Jack asked. “You mean, people in Half Moon Key actually believe fairies live here?”

She giggled and nodded as they continued to make their way to the rocks in hopes of finding their next clue. “Oh, yeah. When I was a little girl, I brought honey and all kinds of other food up here for the fairies. I also explored the caves.”

He blanched, and his steps faltered. “What do you mean, you explored the caves?”

“Well, all of this area has caves. They’re not very deep, but they go all the way down to the water. They’re perfectly safe, or so I decided when I was a kid. I spent a lot of time there, reading and exploring. I think they might connect to the caves on Fish Island somehow, but I amnottesting that theory. I’d rather read a book.”

Jack laughed softly. “We really are meant to be, aren’t we?”

“I’d like to think so,” she breathed.

“Let’s win this race,” Jack said, increasing his pace. “The sooner we win this, the quicker I can get you back to my place.”

“And just what do you think we’re going to do when you get me back to your cabin?” Her face flashed hot with all of the things they could do together the second they were alone.

Nora was pretty sure she was ready to take a very final step with Jack.

Not that she would tell him just yet in case she changed her mind.

“Where do you think the clue will be hidden?” Jack asked, cutting through her naughty thoughts.

“I’m really not sure. All the clue says isin the ring.”

Together, they walked around the rock formation using the flashlight to search every nook and cranny of the rocks, but there was nothing to be found.

They were both sighing and both on the verge of calling it quits when Jack asked her to pull out the clue again. They read it over again, and Jack smacked his forehead dramatically.

“You said there are caves around here? Show me.”

Nora pulled a face. “I’m not sure it’s a good idea to go into the caves.”

“Why not? You explored them as a kid, and nothing ever happened. Besides, I can’t see Jade and Parker hiding the clue in a dangerous spot. They wouldn’t put any Half Moon Key lives in jeopardy for a scavenger hunt.”

“Well, that’s a good point. This way, please.”

Nora held out her hand for the flashlight, which Jack was quick to give her. They continued to roam the clearing, climbing the huge rock formation. The large mouth of the cave was soon revealed.

It was so dark in there that Nora’s flashlight barely made a dent in the blackness. The beam of light was too small and watery to light their way.

“I have magic eyes,” Jack announced. “I can see in the dark.” He held out his hand for her to take, and she did, interlocking their fingers.

“Magic eyes, huh? Is this another superpower you have because you’re an author?”

He snickered, the sound echoing loudly in the cave. “Something like that. But we should be quiet because if another team finds this spot, we don’t want to alert them that we’re in here.”

“Good point.”

Nora and Jack followed the path of the cave until they could hear water lapping at rocks. They were far from where they had stored the canoe, but Jack assured her that he would send Sammy to get it in the morning.

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