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Surprised, she pushed herself up on her elbows. “You bought it? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I needed to know how you felt about me. I didn’t want you to think that I was holding the farm as leverage. If you didn’t love me, I’d have simply given the farm back to you at no cost, but since you do, I’m hoping you’ll want to keep it in the family.”

Her heart began to beat faster. What was he about to do?

“Come to Al-Harmid with me for Christmas. You and Arella. I know we don’t really celebrate Christmas, we haven’t in a long time, but I’m sure we can put up a tree for Arella. I want my father to meet her. I want us to be a family this Christmas. I want you to marry me.”

“Marry you?” she breathed. “Kash, you’re royalty. I’m a farm owner.”

“Habibti, you are so much more than that. You’re the smartest, kindest, most beautiful woman that I know. You’re the most talented dog trainer I’ve ever met, and you’re not bad with horses either, although your goat training could use some work. And Kristy, you’re the mother of my child and the love of my life. I knew it four years ago. You have no idea how hard I tried to forget you, and nothing worked. I didn’t come back for the damn race. I came back because I was going mad not knowing what happened to you. I have no intention of that happening again. I want you and Arella by my side every day.”

Sliding up his body, she kissed him gently. “I could not imagine a better gift for Christmas,” she admitted finally when she was able to pull herself away.

“Is that a yes?”

“Yes, Kash. I want to be your wife. And since you’ve drilled it in her head that she’s a princess, Arella will think it’s the best Christmas ever.”

“Sheisa princess, and you are my queen. I went into town yesterday to get you a ring, but none of them were good enough. You deserve only the best.”

“I don’t need a ring, Kash. I only need you.”

Drawing her back up for a kiss, he traced down her naked sides with his fingers, and she shivered. Spreading her fingers across his chest, she stroked his skin until he moaned.

“Again?” she teased as she pressed a hot, wet kiss to his nipple.

“Haven’t you figured it out by now, Kristy? I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured. “But wait here.”

“Wait? For what?” She watched as he slid out of bed, opened the bedroom door, and peeked out before she heard his footsteps jogging down the hall.

He was back within moments and smiling at her, he brushed his lips across hers before grabbing the sheet and wrapping it around her. Reaching under her, he scooped her and the sheet up, whistling as he carried her down the hall to the bathroom. Pushing the door to the bathroom open with his foot, he set her down in front of the bathtub.

Kristy stood on the bathmat looking around at the candlelit room, which was rapidly filling with steam from the hot water filling the tub for a bubble bath. When Kash had first grabbed her, she’d been too shocked to say anything, and now she stared, bemused, at the tub.

She looked up surprised when he tugged on the sheet that she was still clutching around her. The splash of water when he climbed into the tub finally forced her to focus as she dropped the sheet and took his hand as he helped her into the tub. Sitting down, she rested her back against his chest and they both moaned as the hot water sloshed around them.

Kashif ran his hands through her hair before pulling it up into a loose knot on the back of her head. Picking up a washcloth, he dipped it into the water and began to rub it over her body. This time, Kristy moaned in pleasure, settling her head on his shoulder. Kashif took that opportunity to nuzzle her neck before nipping at her earlobe.

Lifting her arm, Kashif draped it over his neck as he continued to rub the towel over her body.

“Oh, Kash,” Kristy finally murmured. “I’m so sorry things happened the way they did. I don’t know…maybe I didn’t try hard enough to reach you but it all seemed so fruitless after a while. And then when you showed up here, I had no idea what to think.”

Setting the towel on the rim of the tub, he turned her around so she lay sprawled across her chest.

“I think I started falling in love with you from the moment I first saw you and despite everything, my love only grew stronger. I admit I was upset when I found out about Arella. I had missed out on her first steps. Her first word.”

Kristy chuckled, “It was pup-pup.”

Nodding his head and smiling at her, “Why does that not surprise me? She is definitely her mother’s daughter, and I cannot wait to watch her grow up.”

Sliding his hands down to her hips, he lifted Kristy up so she was straddling his legs. “Now, enough talk aboutourdaughter and on to more important things. Because, as I said earlier, Kristy Cohen, I can’t get enough of you.”

Lifting herself up, Kristy slowly sank down onto Kashif’s erection and they both groaned lustily when she was firmly seated on top of him.

Slowly lifting herself up and down, she began to ride him. Her head had fallen back and she closed her eyes as she clutched at his shoulders.

Still gripping her hips, he adjusted her movements, and she opened her eyes in surprise when each forward movement bumped against her clit.

“Oh. Yes. Like that, Kash. Oh, please don’t stop.”
