Page 7 of Bad Desire

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Michael wants to eat her, but not in the way Sabrina’s afraid of. Lily’s seen the hunger in his eyes. And something like jealousy, too. Because she swallowed him down but he didn’t, couldn’t, return the favor. He was trembling beneath her, trying to stay in control, and if she hadn’t pulled away maybe he’d be feasting on her right now. Head between her thighs. Stubble brushing her skin as he licks and strokes her folds. She’s turned on all over again just thinking about it. While she’s still sensitive and sore from cumming once already.

Does he know that’s what she was doing upstairs? Spreading her legs on his guest room mattress and teasing her clit with the bullet vibe while she replayed every second of making him spill? Probably. He’s known why she’s here from the beginning. It’s not like she showed up with a bunch of photo albums from the ‘90s to rehash Sheila’s good ol’ days of touring with Mick and his band. The only things in her bag are clothes and essentials, an e-reader, a laptop, and her little BOB.Everything a girl on the go could need.

She flips open the notebook computer she brought downstairs with her. Her browser is still up on the screen, a million tabs lined up for her to click through. Half of them relate to Mick Lange. His career. Image searches. Videos. It’s a little stalker-y, even if most of it’s information she already knows. The other half are work-related. From that part of her life where nobody cares that her mother was a high-profile groupie during her gap year some thirty years ago.

It’s like living two lives. She even has costume changes to go with it. Lily glances down at her denim skirt and dark green t-shirt and grins. Not exactly office attire. That side of her wardrobe is all wide-leg linen pants and skinny jeans and blouses in bright colors. It didn’t even occur to her to dress up to finally meet Michael. Because it’s this Lily, the one without pinned-up hair and statement necklaces for armor, who needs to face the past. So she can go back to being that put-together woman who has a future waiting.

A woman without Mick Lange’s shadow stretching across her. That’s the goal. Isn’t it? To exorcise him, purge him, banish him from her life? But now that she’s feels like the exact opposite. More and more, she wants to bind him, anchor him, feel every part of him. She wants another chance to suck his dick and make him cum. She wants him inside her.

The man is so much more interesting than the myth. There’s so much more to learn.


Enough.Lily’s breaching the artist’s inner sanctum. Taking the basement stairs two at a time until she reaches a game room and the glassed-in recording studio beyond it. There’s only so many work emails she can answer and scrolling Twitter and TikTok are never a good use of her time. This, though? This is high priority. Making sure Mick Lange is actually still in the building. That he didn’t hightail it back to Alpine, New Jersey, just because she gave him the best blowjob he’s had in years. She’s been alone most of the day. He didn’t make an appearance for lunch, so she helped herself to leftover pasta and a beer. But it’s afternoon now and a welfare call is definitely in order.

Lily skirts the pool table and the foosball. One look and she knows Michael’s not in the sound booth but in the recording space. He’s bent over an electric guitar, huge headphones like Princess Leia buns on the side of his head. He doesn’t look up when she slips into the booth and sits down in front of the board. Too focused on whatever he’s working on. In the zone.

Empty protein shake cans and Clif bar wrappers litter the area around a small trashcan. Like he tossed them there and they didn’t quite make it in.Whew.At least he’s not starving for his art. And art is what it is.

Plaintive strains of something vaguely rock and vaguely country, dragged from the amplified guitar strings. Flooding the studio and flowing over her body. It’s like being stroked all over by the notes. By his voice. Rough and husky. Not the smooth soul he likes to listen to, but it definitely works for her. Mick Lange sounds like dirty sex against a wall with a stranger. Like being pressed down on the still- warm hood of a muscle car and eaten until you beg for mercy. Like the memory of it all after the bad boy walks out of your life.


Baby you’re a shot.

A line and a hit.

Gimme what I need.

Gimme a fix.

Gimme that heat.

Gimme that tongue.

I want that rush.

I want to feel that young.


You’re every bad desire

and every good thing.

Should I give you my soul

or give you my ring?


When Lily opens hereyes, he’s watching her through the glass. Eyes dark and intense. From here, they look more black than blue. His headphones are hooked around his neck. He’s stopped singing, but the echo is still under her skin.


I wanna taste you.

I want you in my veins.
