Page 109 of Capturing Love

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My ears pricked at the sound of the conference door opening. The footsteps down the hall were unlike Grayson’s, or Adam’s. They were heavier, full of purpose and…slowing at my door.

I lifted my gaze to find their father glaring down at me. I drew in my breath and stood. “Mr. Harlow.”

He wore no emotion. “I’m glad to hear your relationship with my son has dissolved. It will be in your best interest to keep it that way.”

And with that, he continued down the corridor, leaving me to process his words and the underlying threat.

* * *

For the rest of the week, Grayson yelled abuse at everyone. Thankfully his father hadn’t made another appearance, but his presence prevailed in Grayson’s demeanour. Poor Linda coped the brunt of it, while the rest of the staff hid behind their computers trying not to draw attention to themselves. Surprisingly, Adam became good cop to Grayson’s bad.

“Grayson wanted me to give you this,” Adam said, handing me a copy of the latest edition of Maude to add to my collection.

I tilted my head around his intimidating stance and found Grayson in his office. “He couldn’t do it himself?”

“Under the current circumstances, I think it’ll be wise to limit your interaction with him for a while.”

I peered up at Adam, making sure I made direct eye contact. “I have no intention of pursuing an engaged man, if that’s what you’re implying.”

Adam’s brow creased. “That’s not…” His voice trailed off with a sigh.


“Nothing,” he muttered, shaking his head. “Grayson’s a big boy. He can clean up his own mess.” Swivelling on his heel, he strode towards the door.

“Adam, wait!”

He slowed his pace and turned back to me, while I reached into my bag. Slipping out the necklace I couldn’t bring myself to wear anymore, I held it out to him.

His body tensed as he stared at the pendant in my hand. “What are you doing?”

“Can you give this back to him?” I held it out, but he didn’t move. “Please?”

After a moment of hesitation, he snatched it from my hand. “Fine, but I’m done being a messenger pigeon,” he growled, before marching out of my office and straight into Grayson’s. He dropped the necklace on the desk in front of him and Grayson’s shoulders fell. His eyes slowly travelled to mine, and I quickly dropped my gaze, swallowing the lump in my throat.

* * *

“Is Pete okay?” I asked Amy as we settled down for lunch. “He hasn’t answered any of my calls or texts”

“Jos, he’s in Mexico. I doubt he’s even looking at his phone. Haven’t you seen his posts?”

My mouth fell open. “Mexico? Since when?”

“Since our boss waived his two weeks’ notice.”

“Two weeks’ notice?” My eyebrows drew together. “But I thought he was fired.”

“Fired?! Pete?” Amy laughed. “Why on earth would you think that?”

“Because…well…” My thoughts travelled back to the day I stormed into Grayson’s office, firing accusations he neither confirmed or denied. “Shit.”

“He accepted a job at a big accounting firm in Midtown. Some swanky corporate company that’s way more his style. Apparently William was so pissed off when Pete handed in his notice, he told him to pack up his things and leave immediately. I believe it too. He’s been a total dick since…well…you know.”

“I know.” I tore the crust from my sandwich. “Everyone around here seems to be paying for my epic mistake.”

“This isn’t your fault, Jos.”

I nodded unconsciously, but the guilt churned my soul.
